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Posts posted by OL'DIRTYGeEEZER

  1. My dog is a k-9 trained german shepherd...(shes a female so they don't allow her in the force) and all I have to do to 'punish' her is look at her and grunt and she puts her ears back and sits down and lifts her left paw to signal that shes sorry..










    Christ, my dog is so awesome.

  2. I think this is a dope track...Its not like he went after her out of the blue..bitch was with him for a minute and when he started tellin people, she denied ever being in contact with him, so he wrote some bars about her..


    And Nick Cannon blew up e-thuggin and said hes gonna end Em's career, and a bunch of sorry bullshit about Mariah being a nubian princess and shit...and em wanted to replyy



    And remember Em said he's fuckin around when he talks about celebrities, and he did ether 'hardcore' rappers (canibus (/facepalm this niggas whole life), benzino, etc...) and no one can tell me this dude can't hang lyrically with ANY rapper, ever..

  3. Nah while i get ur point about MJ, i don't think death is ever a good thing to wish, that nigga has young kids who are now going to be surrounded by scumbags who want to leech off them and whore them out..



    I think those kids are going to be fucked up when theyre older...

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