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Everything posted by stevem.yzerman

  1. False The person below me knows futurama is way better than simpson
  2. U post on a less than once a month basis.
  3. False The Person Belo me has been banned before
  4. 6.00 Detroit hispanic development center
  5. Use your brain it shouldnt b hard to figure out
  6. Man that fag doesnt have the balls to pop a gun even if he did have one and if he does shit, if I run into him i got a camera and a new gun
  7. Te egotrip is all fucked up on that 1
  8. For all you haters Sarcasm is smart he has the I.Q. test to prove it
  9. Sarcasm u need to chill bud. Seriously alright just chill ur not that smart this isnt a college classroom its a graffiti forum stop posting poems, and haikus trying to insult just post pictures
  10. Feis, Gray, Dems and Amo are the best no question
  11. How is a garbage writer gonna critiscize a descent writer?
  12. If I was you i would be cool homeboy because we do know what u look like so y dont u just chillax and go to starbucks sarcasm
  13. What a faggot if u think that Kosher was good u truly r a bitch ass. u dick ridin cunt pussy
  14. NO shit there everywere but theyre fuckin every thing up shit if you bout to bomb a least make it look good and you must be mad stupid if you think SwL owns Detroit cuz they dont shit i would Say fbsk before swl
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