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Posts posted by Donnie'sElement

  1. Your living in Paris, and your bored. Man your fucking failing durement.


    Get to the catacombs, fuck it go see Pere LaChaise, Montmarte, hit Oberkamfp for a few brews. Or just get off your ass and fucking walk round, mad stuff to do, see, and try fuck in Paris dude.


    Plenty of graff to flick or contribute too, if ya hadn't noticed.


    Or say screw it and get back on yer drugs for a laugh.

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  2. There's an old man in my neighborhood named Chris who is a schizo. All the kids know him in the area so they use him to buy beer and to hang out at his house, party, or whatever. Many of the times I've been around him, he talks to someone named gary in his head who he says is his dad and "Gary" is trying to "fuck him in the ass" as he put it. He also has a woman in his head and he tells us that he wants to take a knife to his brain and cut her out of his skull.


    However, this dude has had a rough life, he did acid and speed every other day for a year and a half, that definitely could have added fuel to his fire, but I think he's always been like this, it just keeps getting worse. I mean fuck the dude hates drinking but he slams a 30 pack to himself every day in 2 hours to make him pass out cold so he doesn't have to hear voices for 4-5 hours until he wakes back up. I also think he has multiple personalities, when he's passed out he talks in a scottish accent which is weird, and he keeps repeating,"Aye! You Fucking Cocksucker!!!!" I think schizophrenia has a "schedule" too. I've noticed that he changes multiple times throughout the day at specific times. He says at 12:00 he won't know where he is and that at 12:07 the air is going to turn off and that the sky will close in on the ground.


    The dude is a trip, I'll try to film him and show you guys what he's all about.


    Mass-hive props will be dealt no doubt.

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