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Everything posted by NoeWhan

  1. Zeitgeist is awesome.... BUT, just one thing.... Type into youtube: Ron Wyatt Jesus Blood To me, Ron is authentic... But according to Zeit, Jesus is fictional.... The Blood Ron found, may be Horus'!!! I agree with the 2nd and 3rd parts o Zeit, but the first part is still sketchy... Even though it is fact that were going into a New Age. 2012, the date of when we make or break it. It is the date of all humans will evolve... not physically, but mentally.... Maybe...
  2. NoeWhan

    Hi All!

    I bet there's not wrestling teams called the 'Zionist Jews'. They are just as bad, if not really behind the NWO. (No, not the wresting group LOL)
  3. Everything has been done before. History and the future, are the same. Who is the master? You are. Everyone here has a different perception, but at the same time we are all the same. DMT is the drug I want to try, even though we trip on it when we sleep!!! The best philosophical minded person in my view, is Robert Anton Wilson. This is my favorite small film... 'Who is the Master?' (I may have posted this b4...)
  4. Part3... Probably the best part. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_QnvNMtHWo&mode=related&search= The world is so weird.
  5. If you don't want to go to work, you can fake a doctors cert. By the law, your boss cannot check up, and ask your doctor if your appointment took place. It works, but good luck! -------- Bush is a bonesman/cult lover. It will all come to an end... What sorts of end depends on you.
  6. NoeWhan

    Hi All!

    LOL!!! Thanx all!
  7. Look even closer at the fatal shot of JFK... It comes UP from the bottom! There's a theory out there about the 4th shooter in a drain or something... Possible... But most of the witnesses went to the grassy knoll. Here's another theory.... Have a look at the map, of which JFKs car was heading. If you know your cult symbolism, you will see that JFK goes from the top of the Pyramid, down, then gets shot. It's a strange theory... alike many others. Even princess Diana was killed using this symbolism. She dies on the 13th pillar... which again is strange if you know how these cults work... But hey, could all be a coincidence.
  8. Omg.. The JFK assassination was all planned by Bushes father... apparently. This doco used to be for 'subscribers' only.... but now its all free yayaayayay! http://video.google.com.au/videoplay?docid=2928756561478705121&q=JFK&total=4744&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=0 Also look for (on google vid): Fastwalkers Order of Death Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove Ruby Ridge Documentry Kent Hovind Red Elk (youtube) ----------- And, Who is the master who makes the grass green? --- Ahhh!!! So much info!!!!!
  9. NoeWhan

    Hi All!

    Hey I'm new here... And, it seems as though, this is quite a nice forum!!! I found this place, because of 'vilian's' signature LOLOL!!! Because... Abdul Alhazred - The Tsogonomicon http://www.motiono.com/watch/sruiSuRO I am a fan of Robert Anton Wilson. Anyway, I'm sure to visit almost daily. Some people may even know me from http://www.infowarsforum.com (Same user name). Anyway! C yaz!
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