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Everything posted by intheshadows

  1. that's it for now... feels so good to be back
  2. just took a trip to montreal, went around flicking shit during a short burger run. this is all i came up with. not much, but figured i might as well share it:
  3. i really enjoy the deep philosophical discussions that pop up on every page in this thread
  4. hell yeah! piedmont 510! that's my hood, and that shit is gangsta!! plus, i smoke cigarettes, even though I'm not 18 yet :cool:
  5. yeah, blud! it's impossible for people who live in the 925 to just drive through the fuckin caldecot into the 510. that shit never happens ya dig?
  6. damn, people should be careful not to drop info about THEIR FRIENDS on a public forum that police check. winning an argument might feel awesome, but letting the cops know where your graff-writer friends live probably isn't worth it.
  7. lol phoe's getting a lot of free publicity from your guys' back and forth
  8. that's it for now. hope everyone enjoys them. till next time.....
  9. what the fuck, stop posting flicks in my thread. get your own
  10. at least no one was hit by a stray bullet... especially since there were probably plenty of children and elderly women within range i wonder how much backup the dude needed to call
  11. at least they didnt shoot an unarmed person this time http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2010/05/05/BAGN1D9FV0.DTL
  12. never heard of radar, but itd be cool to see more
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