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Everything posted by username0913

  1. what do you have to say about this paint? how does it compare to montana/ironlak/rusto? dont know if i trust greek stuff...i have one can, and ive used it once, for a highlight looking thing, but ive never done a whole piece with it. it smells like burning garbage, that much i know. what can you tell me?
  2. oh wow...some one resurrected JAYCE AND THE WHEELED WARRIORS....so so so dope... Im totally reliving my childhood...i miss that cartoon
  3. thats true....letters should have structure, but im def a fan of shit thats out there in terms of design...that soul piece, and acid, and a lot of transcend stuff is really cool too...mix it up a bit y'know? because even when they get crazy, you can still read letters. thats where skill comes into play...then again, there are some that hide behind abstraction, and dont step into anything else....which sucks, but to each their own...no diss, just adding another perspective
  4. WARLORD!! *ahem* sorry about that....
  5. Re: la revancha. that mind blwoing style is revenge, from CT
  6. sorry but i had to....GULLY GOD!!!! ok back to posts that matter
  7. i know that piece doesnt say HES. I just know it. theres no way o could be that wrong. over a senior piece....mmm....not getting involved, but suffice to say thats not right. this is one example of what NOT to do. anyway... this is hot...i dig it.
  8. i get geeked over a good handstyle. this one is one of my favourites.
  9. k...if you say so homes. my fault.
  10. dude, chill out. people are just pointing out the stupidity of trying to get up with a name thats not yours. trust, ive been there, ive done that...i changed my name to something (hopefully)unique, and kept it moving, because if i want anything substantial in this, I CANT GET UP ON SOMEONE ELSES NAME. do your research. if you want to write something, make sure its not already taken, and dont get all huffy when people correct you. how the hell is someone gonna write nato, and RESK this close to NATO(NYC) and RISK9 YKK? you really think thats not going to work against you as far as getting up? you tell people to worry about their own life when all people are trying to do is help you out. settle down young'un, and think for a minute. Are you down with NSK for real, or did you just pick some random letters to make your crew? there is another NSK running around the beat, and theyve been at it longer than you have. Im talking GA, TWOTONE, LITTLE, GA2...I dont think theyll appreciate some kid from wherever whos not down, throwing their shit up. That only applies if youre not actually down with them. if you are, then cool. if you want to go far in this game, use your head at the beginning. people are trying to help you avoid mistakes. you should listen more
  11. repents a guy...dont think he'd take too kindly to you trying to fuck him...
  12. i know this is cute and all, but really... theres already a nato, and he has squat to do with CT. didnt we go over this once already? BTW, whick NSK are you? because theres an NSK in the beat, that im SURE has nothing to do with you... just sayin....
  13. its that whole "putting in work" thing. im down with a crew, because im boys with the members. i didnt earn my way in really...shit i havent earned a "spot" from my understanding of how crews work/used to work, you didnt paint with the crew until they thought you were ready..being a gofer...buffin the wall, helping with fills, rackin paint...maybe thats just the old romance passed down through books...all i hear from people in the game now, is "my squad..." "my team..." "i roll deep, son"...whatever. thats cool, but for me, i started on my own...no help, no crutch, no nothing, and im perfectly fine that way. if someone wants me to put down their crew, thats an honour to me, to be included with them...someone thinks my work is good enough to bear their name...that to me is one of the best compliments. less drama too when youre solo, because then you dont have to catch shit for other peoples stupidity, and vice versa unity...mmmm....civility, better. id rather be civil, than fake unity. civility shows maturity, and restraint.
  14. well that depends...is it a noun or an adjective?
  15. which explains why you miss the point...im sorry . i revoke the previous statements. dont want to start anything with anyone. my apologies again
  16. werd. what is the use of fast progress? i like watching someone grow. if you can do something with 8 colours, mad bends, extensions and arrows, and your hand game is weak, then, it probably means one you dont really get up where people can see you, or youre neglecting a basic necessary step in order to impress someone with your technical prowess. the simplest colours, the simplest pieces. these are the building blocks of a REAL legacy didnt know RISK9 was down with NSK....
  17. i kind of agree with this...i mean everyone sucks at some point, right? if youre using dollar cans that drip, and are basically coloured water, then nothings going to go right. i think the fact that kids have access to good paint, is a good thing. i think they should have a sense of achievement, because as you improve, your shit will look better each time. the problem comes with friends who feed egos, and kids with swollen heads from those people. im one of the first to say i suck, because, well, i do...at the same time, while my last piece may look better than the one before it, someone else has already surpassed me, so that means i have a far ways to go. if a person keeps humility close, and paints regardless of how wack their shit is, then i think they are entitled to that sense of achievement, especially if they show improvement. then again...he does have a very valid point... mmm..what do you mean cheesier? seems like such an open ended term if those had been available to you would you have used them?
  18. ^^ im with this guy. youre a retard for waiting this long to quit whatever it is that may cause you to fail.
  19. which one? the rolling stone article? i find it so funny people take offense when someone says something against JA, as if he gives a damn about what the internet says. why do so many people take offense when something is said about a guy 99% of you veiwing and posting on this thread dont even know? that in my book is the definition of dick riding. yes he's up..duh. everyone, whether you paint or not knows this. IM not hating on him, because he's got more ups that i probably ever will, and for that, just sheer numbers alone, i respect. you cant, CANT hate on that. however, i think some people put forward valid points about him, meaning the name on the wall. he even said it himself in his rolling stone interview, he tries not to associate with his dad, and vice versa. People put forward valid points about his style not really evolving, which as a writer, looks bad. then again, CAP hasnt changed his shit either, so theres that. is it too much to ask that he change it up a bit? maybe, maybe not. the only person qualified to make that call is him. he should be the only one telling off people for talking shit. which he isnt doing, because he's probably too busy painting. which we should probably be doing instead of cussing each other out for having an opinion contrary to the norm.
  20. hahahahahaha this is funny :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: cant take you niggas NOWHERE!
  21. ok cool...just wanted to know...i thought REO was from NB myself, so i guess i was wrong on that....wanna drop some knowledge on a brotha? im def listening...history is my shit, so ilike hearing it from those who were around to see it unfold...all ears bro... YAGE was taken back to his home planet Zippotron, where he now relaxes with caviar, 40's and triple breasted women with fat asses...ive been trying to lure him back to the planet for a while now...but he seems reluctant to return... ^^what factory? in what woods?
  22. yeah...i have no life...i should be out keepin it real, tearing up the streets wrecking shit, but here i am on 12oz posting. God Im a loser... anyway someone passed this on to me...fresh! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGT-r8qrjOw nothin but net
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