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Everything posted by Swingmydoor

  1. what kind of beretta is that? a 92?
  2. how much did you spend on shipping for all that paint?
  3. If any of you guys actually helped out thanks, I appreciate it
  4. your real brave e-banging on a computer screen, if your in LA we can meet up right now and ill give you a buck 50 across the face, pm me if your down.
  5. can you help a nigga out and just vote, thats the homegirl
  6. Not even, im not spam, I been on here for awhile I just don’t always post. I truly need your guy's help.
  7. Yo I may never be doing this again, but the circumstances have come down to it and I need all of your help. There is this modeling contest and I want all of you guys to vote for this girl.. http://www.smashingtechnology.com/modeling/profile.asp?SmashBox_ProfileID=1245737 She deserves to win and I need all of your help to make that happen, please visit that website and vote for her until next Tuesday. All it takes is 1 click a day and you can make a world of difference. If all of you guys can just help me out that would be great
  8. Also try to have a laptop where you keep all your photos, try to keep that laptop at a friends or girls house that doesn’t mind. Cops now days will raid your house and take the computer because a bunch of writers store their work on there. Don’t keep any black books at your house ether or loose photos, there’s one thing them finding 100 cans in your house and a bunch of markers but a completely different thing if they find 100 photos of all your work. Technology is getting writers caught up so much now days it’s incredible. Also don’t take photos of your work on your camera phone that shit is so stupid and you can easily forget that you have them on there, one of the first things cops do is check out everything you have on you and that cell phone can be a huge incrimination. Fuck cops
  9. If you paint over the numbers i guarantee you they will buff your shit, I have seen it happen before. Respect train yards and they will respect you
  10. There is a hugggeee difference between an art fag shop that sells paint brushes and happens to carry Belton paint and a graffiti store that is owned and run by writers. I would never steal from a graffiti store just because that’s disrespectful, they get enough heat from the cops and they truly do fight the law everyday to keep selling streaks and tips.
  11. There are a few art fag shops that sell beltons around here, if any of you guys are down to go and hold up the shop at gun point get at me haha
  12. Swingmydoor


    I know someone who probably has over 500,000$ worth of damage and the cops have all his info like name, address, and job. They have footage of him writing, they have had multiple people rat on him and say what he writers and where he works, but this guy keeps his house clean, no supplies, no books or papers with tags- NOTHING! The cops have raided his house 3 times now and still cannot arrest him because they can’t find solid enough evidence to prosecute him.
  13. Swingmydoor


    I have noticed that there are more and more "special unit" police officers assigned to graffiti, they are the ones you need to watch out for. These special units will usually be assigned to 1 neighborhood and more than likely will spend 80% of their time in the "HOT SPOTS" basically any area in your city where there is allot of graffiti, maybe its a door or window where allot of big writers hit up daily. Alleys are probably the most popular areas, watch out for alleys that have multi level parking structures they can be watching you from the second or third level. They also stake out graffiti shops to see who comes in and out also. They will follow you; EVERYWHERE... they won’t catch you at first. They wait till they have a huge amount of evidence to prosecute you to the fullest extent of the law. These new special units are specially put out there to investigate graffiti. There job isn’t to run up and grab you, they will wait and wait and wait till they can fuck you over. Remember they have video and digital cameras to record everything. The had a video of the hommie catching a tag and smoking herb, these guys are sneaky. When people rat on each other it usually never goes anywhere, I know cops keep a record of who writes what, from what crew, and area. Just because they have your name with your Graff name doesn’t mean they will raid your house, or even take it seriously. Remember these guys are after the big fish and will use toys as bait to get info. They usually travel in groups of 2. The only thing you can really do is to keep your home clean, do not have your Graff name up in your house anywhere, and try to keep your block clean. I have had a few hommies go down like this, not even knowing.
  14. It’s more like “so have you heard of saber? “That might just be a la thing only though
  15. Was catching a tag on a dumpster in an alley and some lady screaming "DA POLICE!!! in some broken english. Once I was painting some Uhaul truck in a residental area with 2 other people and some dude ran out in a bath robe and a huge ass 90's white house phone yelling " YOU MOTHER FUCKERS!"
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