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Everything posted by mydeadfriends

  1. uhh...are oregonians more dense or is it the school system? there's 50 states and two were already covered...ha ha...
  2. clubs and letgo sure have been getting real good when they wanna...
  3. i should have some color flicks of that bus and abhor/sleaze fence in oakland. see if i can find 'em.
  4. god damn i miss anthony. come on let's try to get more flicks on here,,,,,
  5. i'm gonna hafta make it back to finland someday...
  6. yo dogface. repost that shit. not my fault hops and ouch don't know a thing about respect...
  7. i am sure morrisey does...and then some With no reason To hide these words I feel And no reason To talk about the books I read But still I do That's 'cause I'm a ... Sister I'm a ... All over this town Along this way Outside the prison gates I love the romance of crime And I wonder Does anybody feel the way I do ? And is evil just something you are Or something you do ?
  8. abhor. next, huge. it sucks two of them don't write anymore...
  9. when it comes to dog bites, wash that shit out real good. if it hurts real bad, you are getting it, just make sure you do it before the infection starts in...get in there with antibacterial soap and warm water and work it in there. i've used q-tips before to clean that shit out. put neosporin on it and bandage it and clean it like i said 2x a day....good luck man....
  10. thanks for sharing alma...i have an alma sticker and a few really good pictures. i don't have a camera right now but i will try to figure something out...
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