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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Swear to god, this gun grabbing bag of dicks says some of the dumbest shit sometimes. I just don't see his point, he's either trying to give this Iranian General (that hated us BTW) a post mortem BJ, or wishing we were a stupid ass country that worshipped our generals enough to cause 120 people to die from being trampled at the state funeral. No thanks.
  2. Forgot to post source links: Gold Goats & Guns & Ron Paul Institute For Peace and Prosperity
  3. Still like his Rand Paul's dad more than him, he's a real libertarian and has always stood for peace and prosperity. He recently published and article from an Anarcho Capitalist's site called "Gold Goats and Guns" that went into detail why what Trump did by assassinating the general was completely unjustified, and criminal. I wanted to give Trump the benefit of the doubt here as anyone who's even slightly patriotic should when war is discussed, I mean I just assumed it was justified and supported his decision. Then, no justification was pesented outside of he was a bad hombre or whatever bullshit. The article described a "deep state" (pentagon, etc.) & Israeli plot to trick Trump into attacking Iran, then abandoning him to take the blame for it himself 100%. For anyone interested I've copy pasted it, a great read: So, now the question is why did this happen? What’s the rationale here? A New York Times article detailed the situation in the White House in the days leading up to Trump’s decision. It reads like a Pentagon whitewash of its role in creating the atmosphere which led to Soleimani’s death. It paints the picture of a president sinking into madness as the ‘attacks’ on the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad unfolded. It tries to deflect all the blame onto Pompeo and Vice President Mike Pence. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Vice President Mike Pence were two of the most hawkish voices arguing for a response to Iranian aggression, according to administration officials. Mr. Pence’s office helped run herd on meetings and conference calls held by officials in the run-up to the strike. Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper and General Milley declined to comment for this article, but General Milley’s spokeswoman, Col. DeDe Halfhill, said, without elaborating, that “some of the characterizations being asserted by other sources are false” and that she would not discuss conversations between General Milley and the president. But the big takeaway from this article isn’t just that the Pentagon is looking to deflect blame from Defense Secretary Mark Esper and CIA Director Gina Haspel onto Trump. The big takeaway from this article is the Pompeo/Pence narrative of Soleimani was imminently primed to attack U.S. diplomatic targets was complete fiction. Unwritten by the Times but lurking between the words is who was really behind this narrative, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. It’s clear over the past six months Netanyahu couldn’t accept the idea of peace breaking out around him. He consistently pushed the envelope of Israel’s belligerence into Iraq over the opening of the Iraq/Syria border crossing. Now the Saudis were wavering? This cannot stand. War with Iran must happen. This is the most likely scenario that pushed Trump into this action with Pompeo, Esper and Haspel feeding him a steady diet of, at best, misleading information. Trump then does what Trump does best when the game gets too hard to figure out. He filps the table. Netanyahu worked so hard to manipulate events and people to get to that point. He needs a win back home to show voters he is the man to bring Israel salvation through the studious application of American exceptionalism. Now, that he’s done so, he is abandoning Trump after pushing him into the pit. So, given all of this, is anyone surprised the leadership in Europe isn’t happy here? They were instrumental in getting Iran to the table to agree to the JCPOA, which Israel was livid about. It was in everyone’s interest for the deal to work, especially Iran’s. Iran got sanctions relief and much-needed investment. Its heavy water reactor became a strong source of revenue. Europe got access to cheap Iranian oil and gas through that investment, securing its energy needs. Moreover, with the deal in place, the undoing of the U.S./Israeli/Saudi plan to atomize Syria by Russia, Iran and Hezbollah ended the flow of refugees into Europe and began stabilizing the region. That only happens because of the JCPOA. Trump’s entire foreign policy is based on antagonizing everyone and subjugating them through dollar weaponization and energy dominance. That’s been his modus operandi. He aligned himself with Israeli interests from the outset because 1) he wanted to and 2) it was the path of least resistance for him to stay in power. At every critical juncture of his presidency Trump has knuckled under to the neocons in his office. The biggest effect of killing Soleimani isn’t Iran’s response or even Iraq’s. Yes, they will impose costs which will change the geopolitical game board. How? We don’t know. What we do know is this big effect; the realization that everyone around the world is thinking, “Are we next?” So far Trump has accepted no limits on who he will attack with sanctions. There is no rule he’s willing to breach. The neocons in the Senate now have the ultimate leverage over him — Pelosi’s sham impeachment. The half-men in the Senate like Lindsey Graham and Marco Rubio have been at full mast so long thanks to Trump’s bombing they need to see a doctor. They got him to kill Soleimani, ensuring there will be no peace with Iran. They’ve begun the upward escalation of tensions which likely ends with an airstrike on Iran’s Fordow Nuclear Facility. If you don’t think that’s what that tweet means, then have either your eyes or your reading comprehension checked. Many of Trump’s tweets are nonsense, bluff and bluster to misdirect and/or stir the pot. This has been a clear message he’s sent since the campaign trail. And this attack on Soleimani was the next step in that process. He’s hoping it brings Iran to the bargaining table. But it won’t. And that’s why this only ends with bombing Fordow. The Israelis and neocons have used Trump’s animus towards Obama and Europe to try to subjugate them as well. It’s not that Europe is praiseworthy or anything. The EU leadership deserves their comeuppance for trying to build an Empire to replace the U.S. But regardless of whether the EU sucks or not, this incident is your point of no return in U.S./European relations. They have no choice but to slowly back away from the insane man in the White House and break bread with the sober one in the Kremlin. Angela Merkel already arranged a meeting with Putin for next week. This has cost the U.S. whatever moral status it has with the rest of the world. It stands alone now. The only deals Trump will get from here on out are ones that don’t matter. He’s set the U.S. squarely on the path to its own destruction as the world realizes the cost of doing business in the dollar just rose immensely. I’ve been looking for that moment where Europe makes the decision to move out of the U.S.’s orbit and into Russia’s. Their silence tells me this was it. So TLDR, we elected an easily manipulated moron who's just committed a more egregious war crime than Bush did. As time moves on it's going to become clear he fucked himself (and the United States) in a major way. Even the alt right are distancing themselves from Trump. Makes sense, he's so genetically inferior his sons look like Beavis & Buthead despite being spawned from a model. That's why he's been so silent since then, he knows he's been betrayed.
  4. Why stop with the Saudis, The Iranians kidnapped 52 Americans and held them hostage for an extended period of time and chant deathe to America regularly. Israel has been caught red handed conducting espionage in the United States despite our massive support. This is why I think we should just pull all the way out of that literal hot mess.
  5. @KultsYou're correct about us exporting oil, that doesn't mean there isn't an incentive to try to control oil. We're fairly insulated from losing military advantage from an oil shortage and all our planes/tanks etc. will be well supplied should we need it. Economically speaking, the fact that we're exporting means if the price rises globally, oil companies will sell to the highest bidder, so a spike in price anywhere still translates to a spike in price here. If our exports were significant we would have cut ties with, and blown up the Saudi's by now for all their fuckery. Don't forget they were responsible for 911, and everyone knows it. They just straight murked a prominent journalist & American citizen, and it was in the news and they felt zero repercussions. We're exporting oil now, but not on a significant enough scale to gain influence abroad, that's still a mid east, and Russian (Specifically Putin) game for the time being. All these recent tensions over the last week drove the price of a barrel of oil up by nearly $20 ($50 to $70), mostly driven by Asia trying to stock up. The interesting thing about that is a spike in oil prices to $90 a barrel or more would cause a major shortage in China and the rest of Asia, and everyone knows it. Asians have been moving their money out of risky assets, and into "safe heavens" all week which is awesome for someone like me heavily invested in Bitcoin, and great for anyone holding silver/gold. Bitcoin gained more than 15% over the last week, Ethereum and other alts also shot up significantly. Don't get me wrong, I think Iran is an enemy, and the dude we took out more than deserved it IMO, but you'll never see me believe the official narrative, or Trump on anything like this that makes zero sense. Whatever this Iranian General supposedly did that they claim prompted the recent attack, he's been doing his entire career. Why attack now? They've presented zero evidence of why they attacked him last week. I mean even bush had Colin Powell make his case to the American people for "WMD". Why they made a move now, we'll never know. Again, I just don't trust Trump (or any politician for that matter), especially when his story all of a sudden matches up with the narrative the deep state has been trying to feed us for years . If we do get drawn into a ground war with Iran now, when we're running over a Trillion a year short on our budget, America will be bankrupt.
  6. We troll the hell out of this "pedo" retard because he made the same mistake and dissed bitcoin when it was gaining traction. Wouldn't be surprised if someone actually hacked his shit. Then again, fuck this pedophile, lol.
  7. Those missiles were a strange move, purposely designed to allow them to tuck their tail, but claim a “great victory” lol to their people without harming a single person. Doubt it’s over but I’m guessing there will be deescalation. Although I’ve been on a plane all day, haven’t checked twitter yet so who knows.
  8. Iran just got hit with two earthquakes, these motherfuckers might have just got flexed on extra hard.
  9. I’d say we all do fuck up in here and say rude shot, and we all get but hurt every once in a while too, but we can bro hug this shit out /nohomo and keep it moving in this section. I just think it’s worth it for us to try to improve at least among our small group, IRL I know we’re all better people than our online political personas. I couldn’t think of a better group of people I’d rather offend, Be offended by, or creep out with my conspiracy theories, and odd ball anarchistic perspectives.
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