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Posts posted by Mercer

  1. Dudes like myself would be rocking starter jackets when it was too damn warm for a jacket, sweating and shit. My plan was to always drop loot on a dope jacket and then skimp on the shirt budget all winter.

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  2. Outside of the few times I've been a fat fuck over my life, the most regrettable look/photos for me were 1989/90 rocking size 42 pants with a 28 waist and cutting the bottoms of the legs off during the big pants small wheels skate era. Outside of that it's cool looking back and remembering the different dumb shit we all did. Kinda regret not having more photos of it.

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  3. 10 minutes ago, Schnitzel said:

    but seriously would anybody actually wear one of those?

    imagine being at the pub trying to take shit while sitting there basically naked with your romper round your ankles 


    All Romper come with an easy access anal flap for some reason.

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    Woody get's it. You can sit back and blame capitalism, or you can sit back and blame the government, but if you're not about fixing whatever's in your power to control yourself, and you knowingly ingest these poisons, unfortunately you're get the results you chose for yourself.


    If you do decide to buy healthier food, and others also decide that, you can change the market. That's the only realistic path outside hoping for of a Socialist famine here, or expecting elected officials to all of a sudden care about your well being (lol) and fix it for you. The only solution to this very real, and very important problem is in your lap.


    The only thing most elected officials care about is holding onto, or increasing their power, and how to funnel more money into their own pockets and campaigns. Relying on these sociopaths for anything has never been a good look, and never will.




  5. 11 hours ago, mr.yuck said:

    what kind of fucking parents are still sending their kids to molester land after all of these stories? 


    Ones that want in on that settlement/lawsuit money and could give a fuck about their kids.

    • Truth 2
  6. Yea, like I've said before, I'm a little bias, so I'm willing to hear the (facts based) defense of MJ and looked into confirming the points they made, comes from my own bias since he was probably one of the first people I was a fan of as a small kid.


    Funny story:


    When the Thriller became MTV's first music video on heavy rotation, my mom noticed I liked the "Beat it" video from that album so she wrongly assumed I was some sort of MJ super fan (back then breaking and other shit was way cooler). So my mom goes out and buys a red pleather "Beat it" MJ jacket with the zippers and stuff on it, and this was probably the first time in my life I remember pretending I liked one of her gifts. Ended up destroying it before I had to wear it to school, or around my friends.



    • LOL! 3
  7. Listening to MJ's high pitched weird voice, and seeing how eccentric he was it makes your average person who can't wrap their minds around him think there's something "wrong" about him. I mean I can't figure him out, but does that mean he's automatically a pedo piece of shit? No. It just means he's weird, and it's easier for people to take the accusation seriously. We all know pedos generally aren't always weird, they're usually trying to fit in unnoticed. 


    Even though his eccentricity makes it easier to accept, I don't think he's a pedo. I've learned something watching how every war is started with a media lie, and how easy it is for media lies throughout history to push a narrative that lends itself so well to evil. I never trust a narrative based on how hard the media pumps it. It's always best to take a look at the "conspiracy" or opposing viewpoint.



    For example, none of this dudes very convincing points below are debunk-able. I've looked up some of these and he's right. To top it off, all the media bullshit condemning, or throwing shade at MJ is easily debunk-able, or flimsy at best. The absolute truth is none of use know 100%, but I can say I'm pretty sure MJ wasn't a diddler.



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