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Everything posted by MindYou

  1. who did the first one above revok? augor?
  2. good old melrose. where the burners live and die.
  3. the fucked up thing about that wall is now i know that i've spoken with sever. not sure if that's good or not.
  4. nothing for nothing but never saw simples from you that made much sense, nevermind a throw or even script. if you have any that would be considered simples that are any good please post them. Speaking of simples. Did you paint both the MISE & SPONE?
  5. i saw this the other night when i painted. i love freights this one is killer!!!
  6. wow dat snaz is snazzy that other stuff is crappy stinky crap but snazy is the shizit yo.
  7. thats cool i'm feelin that shit yo.
  8. Thats a nice wall fellas!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. 2501 why are you being so mean to me? I can't seem to post stuff here in a outline thread without getting picked on?
  10. I hope to be COOL someday like the rest of you all. I tried to add more arrows but got too hard to read. I will work on it. Thanks for the pointer Mudd.
  11. thank you! I'll give it a try.
  12. I'm still learning but if some of you could give me some pointers that would be helpful. I write HEW not a JEW
  13. oh ok, I get it now. thanks!
  14. Style ok i get it now. thanks sorry about that. :)
  15. I think what you are saying is making yourself look silly. A Temp piece is a Temp piece because Temp did it even though it reads as UEMPI. Thats a brilliant concept.
  16. oh ok. maybe they should be taken out. just looks like im at the arts and crafts store ordering me some UEMPI
  17. ^^^ Really?!?!?! I would never of guessed that. I still don't see a T but if you say so. Thank you!!
  18. what does that say? can't seem to read the first letter. Does it say UEMPI?
  19. what does that say? looks like bart simpson
  20. go get glasses you blind fool. gross looking titties and wackass throw. dear lord help me. HAHA
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