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Everything posted by booniesbomber

  1. The second colors touch anything of mine it turns to shit. As for the backgrounds, pure lazyness to be honest :lol:
  2. just some shit [ATTACH]145788.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]145790.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]145789.vB[/ATTACH] letter structure, letter structure, etc etc, i know :rolleyes: less bullshit connections, etc :cool:
  3. bump gusto, bump lewy, bump out of towners slaughtering your home town and everyone being butt hurt over it lmao
  4. lol thanks on the cits fellows :)
  5. New to straight letters, critique's would be ideal [ATTACH]145378.vB[/ATTACH]
  6. booniesbomber


    [ATTACH]145367.vB[/ATTACH] meh
  7. photoshop, lasso tool, comand+c, comand+v. you can send me my chronic how ever you please.
  8. oh shit! bump crazy legs, puttin in mad work
  9. bump Back and everything else
  10. Hate on feller, but in all honesty that rusk is clean as hell, and is certainly no Ruets bite. :D cheers m8! :D
  11. Really Belligerent. bump em, also bump that rusk on the last page
  12. BADBREATH is also a fan of crayon drawings
  13. condensed space, first time climbing on anything and painting, overall outcome: shit. conclusion: dont climb things and paint just yet.
  14. no shit. you missed the part where i gave no fuck :D
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