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Posts posted by filtypeterpbt

  1. Dow is one of my best friends, so don't get mad at me dow.


    Dow is the type of guy who will do about anything, so i wasn't surprised when he mentioned the tranny to me. He isn't gay and could care less if you think he is. He most likely did it to make his friends laugh.


    On a side note he is a pos.




    Dow smoking puddles

  2. The other night i had a dream that i went to this doctor/convenient store with some lady, to sell my organs. The Lady is negotiating how much my organs will go for. The doctor is telling her that I have lung cancer, so he throws my lungs away, then that my liver is fucked, no money for that. He would buy my kidneys and heart though. The whole time I'm wondering how I'm standing there with no organs. Then i woke up.

  3. Re: Dear ________, - no homo


    dear filthypeter,


    peep what came in the mail today




    when the fuck are you gonna get a phone that will let me send pics to it?


    Fuck yeah This is bad ass. Free Pisho aka porno P. email that shit to me.

  4. Re: Dear ________, - no homo


    dear dow


    You shouldn't shave for any broad unless you want to. What kind of bitch would want a dude to shave just to date him? Oh yeah a jewish girl. Send me a picture of her so i can pick apart her flaws. Then you can tell her you won't date her tell she dresses more classy and plucks away every single stray hair on her body.

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