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Rocky George

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Everything posted by Rocky George

  1. And yes vacation is the answer. By "vacation" I mean road trip. If you know any homies in other states, now is the time to drive across country in party mode. Trust.
  2. "Quarter life crisis". Happens to everybody. Or at least everybody I know.
  3. Def Leopard was glam rock. "Hair bands" was invented by those retards that try and sell those corny mix CD's on TV comercials.
  4. agreed. it's also funny if you've ever been through that entire exact situation with your girl.:lol:
  5. "hair metal":lol: ... the first time i ever heard that term was on vh1. around 2000 or so. they were using that term to describe what regular people always refered to as glam rock. i have no idea what the hell i was doing looking at vh1.
  6. sorry to be the one to break this to you, but you my freind know nothing of what you speak of.
  7. so let me get this straight... HPV and genital warts are the same thing?
  8. So what's the deal with Philipeanos having Spanish names? I'm assuming that they are or were a Spanish colony? do Philipeanos speak Spanish or their own language? forgive my ignorance, i'm American. I seriously don't know any better.
  9. anybody that actually has this album and/or complies with your request automatically loses any respect and/or credibilty from Rocky George. that's my word.
  10. if that were my kid it would be a series of severe beatings followed by military school. and i'm against military school. i think it probably fucks kids up alot more than it helps them. but that's definately where he would end up. WTF???
  11. Did that kid seriously just pick up the shit that was dumped on his head? while laughing???
  12. for you dolphin lovers (not a prety sight) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzPE4E8ZRJw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzuSULcqgxQ.
  13. failed backflip off vending machine.:lol: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eH7aHXhgzSc
  14. big pun, nore, and onyx. this is the only video i could find for the shit.
  15. That's whassup. I aint heard anything new from them in a long ass time. i'm digging this youtube shit. finding all kinds of shit i never heard before.
  16. is this the same movie with the breakdancing indian miget?
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