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Everything posted by Burnsy_Lad

  1. Re: Stuff my butt with this pile of cold beets. Hard. No homo.
  2. Re: Stuff my butt with this pile of cold beets. Hard. No homo. 50"
  3. Re: Stuff my butt with this pile of cold beets. Hard. No homo. Fuck sake what's happenin' to my images! Mofo's. Anywways
  4. Re: Stuff my butt with this pile of cold beets. Hard. No homo.
  5. Re: Stuff my butt with this pile of cold beets. Hard. No homo.
  6. Re: Stuff my butt with this pile of cold beets. Hard. No homo.
  7. Re: Stuff my butt with this pile of cold beets. Hard. No homo.
  8. Burnsy_Lad


    Erm, just a thought I had because I was thinking about a 360 Elite when it makes its way to Europe, I realised; I like the fact of the bigger hard drive, probably not needed, HDMI, blah blah, and thats about it. The only other main reason I would get one is the nice black finish, but, it's no way near worth the money for a change of colour so I was thinking, Buy a 360 Premium, paint the fucker black and Bob's your uncle. Also buy a new hard drive for it, paint it black, when you need the memory. Just my little rant on consoles. I need a HDTV first anyway. Fucking expensive technology teasing, Ooo, look I'm all shiny and look what I can do, bastards. Anyways, just dropping by.
  9. Burnsy_Lad


    I got a 2006 Fitbikeco AM BMX in tan colour. Which do you prefer: BMX Or MTB. There seems to be an awful lot of mountain bike people on here.
  10. I would but I had to lay off that shit with exams. Just too addictive, might try get back into it after the exams but I gotta regulate myself or I'll be on it for hours and hours. CS:S is the best by far.
  11. How To Detract Attention From Your Attractive Teenage Daughter
  12. Xtorrent | Specifically for Mac OSX Xtorrent - Link Hope that helps dude.
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