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Everything posted by Retired?

  1. Re: Don't Call it Frisco And its true, I dont think ORFN really gives a fuck what anyone thinks. I still dont like it.
  2. Re: Don't Call it Frisco Orfn gained some weight.
  3. You are an idiot. I would rather see the wall blank, so someone better can do something. Better? Asshole. I am neither a cop nor american.
  4. Re: Don't Call it Frisco Its a battle. In a battle, no holds are barred. You do anything to get at your opponent. In my eyes, that is funny and clever. I like it, although I think the stly is absolutley terrible and would rather see the wall blank.
  5. Re: Don't Call it Frisco Funny, I thought the Korea was a Norm and the Jeloe was Amaze, then I realized those two would never paint together.
  6. Re: Don't Call it Frisco Its still ugly. True, Orfn put it down in the 90s. OK. You would think that after all that time he would be alot better. This new wave of shit that looks like a little kid did it needs to stop. What ever happened to trying to be good?
  7. Re: Don't Call it Frisco Ok.. so those flicks of the 2nd and mission pit circa 1996? One page back, on the top. Stupid dope. Good job on posting those. Drove by that building the other day and thought about all the amazing graff history that building covered up.
  8. You really are ingorant you stupid bastard. Remio can do really dope pieces. You need to curb your mouth idiot.
  9. Re: Don't Call it Frisco Remio is dope. Not painted in the 90s. I wish Remy would do more pieces though, I really like those. Gusto kills. Good team those two.
  10. Re: Don't Call it Frisco Jor is super dope. Point blank. Whoever is posting all the older stuff...... KEEP DOING IT!!! (See I give respect where respect is due.)
  11. Re: Don't Call it Frisco Do you butt in to other peoples arguments all the time?
  12. Congratulations!! You just won the "stupidest comment of the year" award. Not to diss US or anything of the sort. To say that ANY city has the best graff in the world is stupid. If you havent seen graff from every single city in the world then how do you know what is the best? It is simply a matter of opinion, yes. I am from SF and I dont think SF has the best graff. That is my opinion. I have been all over the world. I have seen a lot of graff. I strongly disagree with your comment.
  13. Re: Don't Call it Frisco Dude, go to St. Francis Woods. The best graffiti in the city is there. Also a secret frieght spot, you can paint for days. Its underground so you have to look for it, but its there.
  14. Re: Don't Call it Frisco Why am I called a hater if I choose to voice my opinion about somehting. I simply dont like it. Is there anything wrong with that? Or maybe I should say its good so those weak ass kids dont see the need to get any better? Idiot.
  15. Re: Don't Call it Frisco Why would you be sorry about that? Those guys suck, even more than that toke. And that isnt saying much.
  16. Re: Don't Call it Frisco Trying to make a name for myself? You must be joking. I dont care about this site. I have mad street cred. Dont need to prove it. I dont care about you. You are really bad at graff. Ha. Come knock on my door, thats funny. WOW PRAGUE!! One of the easier cities in Europe. And what did I say about doing a wall of fame? No trains? No throwups? Where is it toy? Show me.
  17. Re: Don't Call it Frisco Where are your comments on what you did in Europe? Let me rip those to shreds.
  18. Wait.. so thats what graffiti is? NO WAY!!! Ive done graffiti longer than you have been walking. So dont try to tell me what graffiti is. I wont stop hating. I do not like your graffiti. I think you suck. I dont have to state my name, break down your letters and you will find my influence. You know who I am.
  19. If graffiti was started by the poor, shouldnt it be an honor to have the dumb rich kids who are looking for any way to rebel and be more "urban" try to do graffiti only to miserably fail and go back to getting drunk and chasing pussy? Maybe they will try coke and get hooked and be your cash cow? Maybe they will turn into one of the best writers ever and without your even knowing it you start jocking their shit. Foot in your mouth. It doesnt matter how well off you or your parents are. It takes hard work and dedication to get anywhere in this game. Prove yourself.
  20. Re: Don't Call it Frisco The Awful tag describes everything else in the photo.
  21. Who cares? You still suck. BTW Europe is a continent, not a country. Well worth what? Your parent's hard earned cash? Be more specific, Where did you paint? What did you paint? Dont tell me you did some wall of fame. Emabarassing.
  22. Re: Don't Call it Frisco Most of you young toys need to get your heads out of each others asses. There is graffiti around the world now. Go international. Open your eyes. Stop focusing on your local bullshit. Most of the writers that really made an impact on graffiti in SF are from other places. They also took their shit to an international level. Fact.
  23. Re: Don't Call it Frisco Than Ghana thing is crap. No matter how big it is. That toy train is the ugliest shit I have ever seen. Why would you even post that? Remio and Gusto rule you all.
  24. Re: Don't Call it Frisco Not you Cleo. You are still an idiot.
  25. Re: Don't Call it Frisco Wow, someone who actually makes sense. Well put.
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