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go around

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Everything posted by go around

  1. the past few weeks all I see is note. straight killin it
  2. Ive said it before..BOB for president
  3. WOW! How did your mom fit my entire dick in her mouth. Ive never had a broad to be able to do that. Incredible. Bump Cajen and Live. BUt seriouslly though....bump fuckin geeks nsf. theres a couple things runnin around richmond..you just gotta look in the right spots
  4. oh shit! bump that sler and pyle aand that leder hand creepin in the corner for those of you who arent paying attention
  5. trynna make a trip down. i gotta get my fill of some hush puppies
  6. jerx des sicr fowl vash gyser the usuals
  7. Nice Vash and sweeeet wae hollow that red is bangin
  8. Amen Reup Eats Aser Des Gyser Fox Freak Relic Vash Sumoe
  9. sueme hoser mecro kerse ecos choze sweet post man
  10. come on frankie...relax brother. I got much love for you homie. Smoke some weed, sit back and chill. Maybe switch that hardcore cd over to some reggae. Please don't mistake this for me talking shit about you again. Come on its not even like the both of us do that much graffiti anyways to take this shit seriously.
  11. I can't WAIT! to graduate from art fag school that my pparents pay for and also supply me with money each week as so i can keep up with the latest trends and eat chipotle and subway everyday. i wouldnt be caught dead grocery shopping. I really hope my mom puts money on my card soon though...theres this girl I really really like but she only hangs out with me when I have money to give my 21 year old friend to buy us each two 4 locos. they get her super trashed and she gets really cute. I think im in love and thats the reason i havent been painting as much lately. If she feels the same way about me then im going to stop painting for good and devote all my time to her!
  12. I wish 12oz was an accurate reading of the graff we got going on in richmond. then again im glad it aint. Bump everyone doing work, has done work, has done work and continues to do work, etc etc etc. I still hate living here but its gettin better as each day goes on. and that hunteye is perfecto
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