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Posts posted by CELT

  1. I slammed fucking hard , head-first , flying through the air , into a wall at Ray's MTB today . A Scale from 1-10 of Gnarliest...I give mine a 8.5-9.0 . My Bern helmet absorbed most of the blow , and just banged up my elbow a bit , nothing bad . I got right up after it happened and was seeing stars . Thankfully my son missed it all so he wasn't worried too much . I guess when I hit everyone at Ray's heard the impact...:lol:


    I have nothing bad to say about having to wear a helmet at parks...this one saved me a concussion , stitches or worse . :cool:

  2. I just post shit I think is real and represents what I like . That goes for skating , since I've been doing it for 25 years now . Never liked big contests , but I know riders with sponsors have to pay the bills . I dunno , the people in around me in Cleveland that ride BMX are all about FBM , S&M , companies that build things to ride and dare you to try and break . Hell I still love watching Flatland BMX , which has become a dying art .

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