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Everything posted by CELT

  1. Hahahaha , Confront...Meanstreak was good too . I always liked James ( Human Furnace ) from Ringworm . He's always been an everyday dude you could get drunk with , plus one of the sickest tattoo artists around .
  2. Wow so was my sister , want to marry her ? :lol: :lol: :lol:
  3. Elitist ? No way man , people skating Pools/Bowls have always been shit on by the masses since the 1980's and it's ok . Only in the past 10 years have you seen a huge resurgence of concrete skating . The parks are being built , which is a good thing . Kids are terrified of it , because they think they'll get fucked up so easily . This is where I get my kicks teaching the younger skaters how to carve , board control , and the basics which get faster and bigger over time . :cool:
  4. Since I skate goofy , I'm more of a heelflip kind of guy . :lol:
  5. This thread was dying....it needed some animosity and hate for the good of it . Besides I'm not being serious in my year antics . :lol: It's nice to see people so mad and passionate about skating . :cool:
  6. I think a lot of people on this thread are bullshit . Products of the 90's and I fucking despise all of you . And guy above posting , it says what it means . People in my age group and older would understand , certainly not anyone born after 1980 .
  7. Too bad there are a lot of these people on this thread .
  8. I don't think you believe that for a minute . He , like a lot of other guys really fucked up , had skateboarding taken away from him . That's his life , and the guy will always have the same passion he did as when he started . Just because my first love is Pools/Bowls , doesn't mean I don't or won't go out and tear up some nice street spots . :cool: I guess only people my age or older understand anything about my feelings about the love of skateboarding . No more rants about how much I care for an older and better time . :lol: Video footage...shit I have to dig through my Mom's Beta to find that shit .
  9. My offer is up for you to come and stay in Cleveland and go skating . :cool:
  10. Point in case , " what sells " . That's gay . I hardly think Christian Hosoi , Lance Mountain , Tony Alva ,Dave Duncan , Scott Oster , Jim Murphy , Duane Peters , Tom Knox , Jason Jessee , Eric Dressen , Steve Steadham , Matt Hensley are gay . Those motherfuckers rip it out like nobody's business and all are pushing close to 40 and some older towards 50 . You sound like a typical person who sucked at skateboarding from the get-go , quits and then " tries to get back into it " , but goes into something gay like mountain-biking because that the latest trend . :rolleyes: :lol:
  11. Very true . :cool: I didn't take to the 90's like most seem to have . I in fact fucking hate Steve Rocco , World Industries and most companies that ditched all their vert/pool skaters for " street skaters " in the mid to late 90's. Santa Cruz I'll let slide because they were quick to see how much of a mistake they made . As far as Girl / Chocolate goes...I don't get it . I still say it's because of the region I live in . I'd say more than half of anyone 30 or over here are old school punk rock type guys . And none of us seemed to move on to the fads of switch-stance , and technical skating . For every kid out there doing backside 180 heelflips over a handrail , that same type can't even boneless anything which I find humerous . What can I say I'm bitter towards a lot of what I see skateboarding trying to get pushed into , like calling it a sport . Put The Hate Back Into Skateboarding Is what is says on the back of my car , and you know what I'm right . :lol:
  12. ^^^ I'm happy Frank Novinic joined them . Cleveland , Ohio represent ! :cool:
  13. That's totally fucking cool of you to do . I'd definitely teach him how to drop-in...it might take a while but it'll be worth it . Good luck .
  14. Yeah saw that from bloodfart...you lucky bastards .
  15. Best knee-pads ever....wore them recently at Chenga World . They were a friend's set . I also need a new helmet , my Pro-Tech one is old and smells old . :lol:
  16. Yeah I finally do the stretching too...:lol: I'm 30 and rising , lol .
  17. Listening to Ringworm as I walk out the door to work..Cleveland bitches . :cool:
  18. Well , I have been skating concrete with fury the past year...I'm sure something will break . :lol:
  19. I wish I was fearless like I was 15 years ago . :lol: Hey even if you can still push around and just carve , that's more than worth it . :cool:
  20. Those things are tiny . :lol: 169MM or nothing for me .
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