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Everything posted by CELT

  1. Dinosaur Jr. good stuff . I watched Speed Freaks yesterday , I still get bummed about Jeff Phillips taking his own life in 1993 . :(
  2. Salman was rad , I had his camel-toe Vans shoe . John Cardiel will forever be a hero to me . Sean Sheffy could pop-shuvvit over anything .
  3. 1989 , I turned 14 when this came out , and it warped me forever .
  4. Exactly . But when Plan B Questionable , World Industries Rubbish Heap & Girl Goldfish came out I couldn't believe how technical it was . It was fun , just not for me . I couldn't learn as fast as a lot of others did . Oh well , I've stuck to what I've known for over 20 years . My hats off to a lot of the locals in my city from the age of 12-17 , these kids are doing big shit . :cool:
  5. Nope . A lot of us skaters in Northeast Ohio never really left 1985-1990...we always skated transition , because it's what we grew up with . During the mid to late 1990's it wasn't cool to be riding a 9" deck with any wheels bigger than 40mm...fuck that gay shit . I remember having to order 55mm wheels from California , because I refused to skate tic-tac sized wheels . Everything progresses or should at one point . I'm all for learning new things , just not like a robot like most kids these days . If I ever go downtown Cleveland and skate it usually looks something like this and will Boneless and no-comply the shit out of everything . :cool: Click ----> Future Primitive
  6. Everyone that skates should at least attempt to learn a Frontside Air & Backside Air . I am all about the Backside Air , probably because of watching countless hours of VHS tapes of Jeff Phillips , Jason Jessee & Lance Mountain doing them perfectly . I watched Speed Freaks ( 1989 ) on VHS yesterday , so rad .
  7. CELT


    What's with all these new herb screennames ?
  8. Frontside Air , Backside Air , Judo Air , Method Air.....so much potential on that thing . :cool:
  9. I was in a bad mood , and I'll say I just don't like him as a person , the skating is rad . ;)
  10. I do not like him at all . He's got this lame " cool guy " attitude just like Tony Trujilio does .
  11. What the holy fuck ? And Steve Olson's name was mentioned.....wow . Queer as a $3 bill .
  12. Creature vs. SK8MAFIA in the Cayman Islands...lol . Gravette rips it up , no surprise . Click Here
  13. Transworld sucks balls , no Tom Penny ? Thrasher/LowCard forever !!!! :cool:
  14. While I'll never buy anything from them...it is nice to see them sponsor people like Chet Childress , Matt Beach , Lance Mountain , Omar Salazar & Al Partenan ( yeah a Creature dude on Nike :eek: ) , lol .
  15. Gravette's part was sick as fuck .
  16. This has been discussed like 3 times already , so who gives a fuck . Just kidding , no DAO for weeks so someone has to be him for a day ot two . :lol::cool: Yes Bob's part is the shit .
  17. Taking it to the streets , motherfucking Doobie Brothers , Michael McDonald style !!! :lol: I have a friend / collector that just donated a pair of those Natas Etmies , brand new , in the box to Skatopia's Museum . Things are worth a fortune .
  18. ^^^ :lol: David Gonzalez's part was my favorite in Extremely Sorry . The kid is a Soldier of Satan , hell yeah . Flip better hold on tight to him , before Creature kicks off a few bunk-ass ams that should've gotten the boot before Hesh Law came out .
  19. Wow . Looks like the City Of Cleveland is letting Grindline build a park in the Flats / Downtown Cleveland soon . :cool: I only hope it turns out 50% of how rad that park looks .
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