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Everything posted by JigaboosPigaboos

  1. Another type of paint marker is the solidified paint pen. This is a type of marker, often contained within a twist tube, that is a cylinder of semi-hardend oil-paint with a pointed tip. As one writes with it, the point wears down and must be advanced to in order to continue writing. The marker leaves a mark similar to that of chalk. It is useful for marking on wet or oily surfaces. It is sold under the brand name MeanStreak in the United States. It is made by Sanford, the maker of Sharpies, but there are many different brands and types of solidified paint pens Theres some stuff about meanstreaks. I couldnt really find anything very useful.
  2. Thats a kiwi mop right? It looks nice albeit a little streaky its nice.
  3. Ajax kicks ass or just get some pumice stone which is whats in ajax cursh it up and mix it in with some soap and water.
  4. Because just alcohol with bits of carbon paper in it wouldnt go on things for shit. Just some acrylic paint in that would probably make it alot better.
  5. It doesnt sound that good. Maybe with something else to thicken it up add in some stamp pad ink or india ink or whatnot.
  6. If it hasnt come out yet then your stupid.
  7. Yeah Ill get pics of it but it will be probably a week my knees and hands are fucked up.
  8. God shitty troll. Try again next time you fucking failure if your going to try making us go into some sort of troll flaming frenzy then you need to do better nigger.
  9. These things are for clean handstyles though. Streaks just make streaks.
  10. Yeah I dont like the fact that OTR is just glue pens that they dressed up so 13 year old "sk8r bois" would buy their product cause it made them feel like real graffiti taggin writer vandals. Plus their ink sucks. See maybe OTR is a conspiracy to give shitty writers the least permanent inks and shittiest most expensive pens so that their horrible attempts at handies will stay non permanent like a fucking whiteboard. Ill bet you seen is behind this!
  11. Yeah man I probably wont go downtown again for a while but Im going to get as much stuff as I can.
  12. Yuki that paint looks awesome but yeah blue minwax and some Methylene blue. That would be an awesome formula. Im going to have to rack that shit next chance I get and test it out eventually.
  13. Id buy a dalo but I dont really like their thin lines. I like chisels a bit because no matter what the nib adds a little something to your tag. Plus theyre sort of noisy.
  14. Or you could just steal a fine tooth hacksaw blade which would likely work better than a sawzall blade which doesnt have that many teeth so it doesnt work as quickly. And those magnets arent for taking tags off theyre for disabling those small barcode ones.
  15. Yeah sorry about the useless flame war.
  16. If you do it post about it here if it worked or not because Im going to go and test out a marker/ink combination for you guys.
  17. Yeah homedepot isnt the kind of place you should conceal stuff. Load up a cart and just walk out.
  18. That sounds a bit hard to do but damn stealthy motherfucker arent you?
  19. Johnehh fuck it heres how it works he sells to store then the store sells to me. You arent stealing from him your stealing from the store. God dumb cunt.
  20. Ban. 12oz is getting bots goddamnit. And guys dont click his links theres a good chance they have spyware in them.
  21. Just do it man Ill make it up for you Im going to release some shit non profit for you guys thats really nice.
  22. Yeah but they still wont be hard like when they are frozen and they write really well.
  23. Homedepot doesnt have shit. Check their website if your having that much trouble though.
  24. Yeah your an idiot. Im not even going to explain why but heres a hint. Were not stealing from him. Dumb cunt.
  25. Yes its true but walmart also wont charge you unless you steal over 20 dollars worth of stuff. Thats like 4 cans of paint you can take without being taken to court over.
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