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Everything posted by theprotester

  1. 320 pages later good to see you pop your head back in. Keep those flicks coming. I know you have some oldschool goodies in your bag.
  2. Is that old ruffian a great dividing range brew?
  3. Looking forward to that post! Also can't wait for my new brew to be finished. Calling it 'Tits Out' because it's a Double Dark IPA (Double D). Even threw some blood oranges in the stand for the last twenty minutes to give a citrus push and a bit of interesting colour. Still a couple of weeks away, but it's going to be about 9%ABV. Yes.
  4. Catch wreck. Still night. Perfect for painting. Cold as fuck though.
  5. amuck with the never ending funk.
  6. You two spend a lot of time talking to each other, maybe you should be out bombing instead? Who gives a fuck what someone says on the forum, you blokes threatening to snitch someone out is just fucked up shit. Saying you would rat on me if you knew who I was? Everything you say after that is just noise.
  7. He's alright man. Least the dude is getting up a bit.
  8. negabump to side taggin' fools getting real shit buffed. Fucking hit a lamp post you fucks.
  9. blank hit me up I rock new numbers.
  10. That placid is pretty disjointed, but still very cool. Need to address the area between the L and the A differently. The movement below the P doesn't have much purpose either. Bump placid.
  11. You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to meateater again.
  12. NO DRAMAS. We disagree on shit but fuck a rat. New info has given me new perspective. Still a bit fucked that you're implying that if you had my details you'd be posting them, but whatever.
  13. So Dick, you're keen to rat someone out because you don't like what he says on the internet? ? Hoping that was a joke, if not, you're a fuckhead.
  14. It's always a plus if you can paint clean at a day spot.
  15. Money bags is correct on that one. DOFES DA killed it.
  16. peezer kills, just not in Perth.
  17. Fuck pictures, I love the arguing.
  18. Bomb harder. I'm going to empty a shit load of paint tonight, I hope you all do the same. Thursday bomb squad.
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