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Everything posted by theprotester

  1. http://watarush.com.au/forum1/viewforum.php?f=2&sid=b91383dd3ccba31343cc9f1bfc1cf9f3 Little bit of haha on there.
  2. I don't think mIRC held logs. Or do you mean the forum? I never fucked with the forum that much so couldn't tell you.
  3. Unless you had ops over level 150 on #watarush I don't even want to hear you speak.
  4. If someone is really twisting your knickers just put them on ignore. It's really not that hard to do.
  5. The DFH 90M was pretty good. I think my expectations were a bit too high to start with, don't get me wrong, I could drink a lot of it - but there in lies the problem, I thought this would be a two stubbie maximum, real chewy, the hops weren't even as powerful as I make for myself. Was great to have tried it though, now I have a contact for US beers I'll keep a closer eye on this thread. Is Heineken/Becks where you're at fully imported or brewed under licence in the states? That's usually the kicker for it tasting really awful. Fully imported I can wrap my head around a carton no worries.
  6. About to chew through a 90M DogFish - so far the Stone Ruination is my favourite from the US stack I copped, that is a very well made brew. 10AM so should be perfect time for a 9% IPA? Sure.
  7. bump that APC. Get at me L. My phone was on silent you private number ass motherfucker.
  8. Don't drop names on the forums.
  9. Fuck that was hard to read. Where's my OWK dogs at? Haha.
  10. Punk is always going to be their 'marketable' beer, but they have rocked some pretty cool stuff. Maybe try the hardcore instead of the punk? Got hold of some of the American stuff you guys keep banging on about, pretty sure it's the first of it ever to hit my state here in Aus. As for spirits, you're talking to the right bloke. I know mixing is sacrilegious with things like that, but a Cuba Libre with that would be INSANE. I make my own spirits and after a while drinking everything straight loses its allure.
  11. Hahaha, are you seriously shitting your pants over a hollow throw getting capped. Who cares how toy diges or joy or whatever is, if you think sulky boy is losing sleep you're a fucking retard.
  12. No shit mate, fucking hell. They capped a sulk? Who gives a fuck?
  13. Haha, no shit. Dude got mad confused with his shadow.
  15. WASP was a PGS operation, took down a fair few writers. Didn't really get any significant bombers though.
  16. Don't use DABS letters cunt? Haha. Awesome.
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