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Everything posted by theprotester

  1. Anyone with a flick of the jebs + ? on the inner west line towards Newtown?
  2. Sarcasm isn't your strong suit is it?
  3. Hahaha, beat me to it, but it's a good post to show the age group here. Blink the oldschooler. Fuck yeah!
  4. Nice to know that that image has stayed so close to your thoughts over the years.
  5. Agreed. So is this sunshine. Fucking insanity.
  6. You all obviously know each other so sort it out, nobody cares. You can't be bad at graffiti. It's so easy.
  7. Aarons got some killer suites, no better way to cap off a night at the Hula Bula.
  8. Consider this your prime opportunity to do so. If not, you can fuck off.
  9. Whole Nine Yards. Seriously though. Google it or some shit mate.
  10. Just ignore the spam mate. No need to feed the seagulls.
  11. That'll shut me the fuck up. Bump the bizness + taskmaster.
  12. Bump photos of ANYTHING. Fuck. These lists are fucking retarded. Tell your mum your top ten.
  13. So no to the tasker photos? That eks was awesome.
  14. Bump the fuck outta the Rolly Taskers wall - got any of the other goodies that were on there?
  15. Thanks for spending some time on the forum? Fuck your scene.
  16. Is that what you want us to think?
  17. Haha, dude stop posting when you're wasted!
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