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Everything posted by theprotester

  1. @nvs it looks like a shampoo commercial.
  2. Wasn't sure, because I write Joker and heaps of crew say other people have written it aswell.
  3. Definitely needs a strong meat to accompany the drink.
  4. Seems he's talking about TRIK KA. Just a guess though.
  5. I don't smoke at all, so it was a bit like drinking an ashtray to me. I guess that is the right beer to try so you can know for sure if you're a smoked beer drinker.
  6. Haha, true, I just thought that shit was funny.
  7. Catching Australind panels in the hey ho was always a treat in the day. Fucking aye on the quality, there's some euro shit that I just can't relate to going on at the moment, but that's cool, maybe I'm just too old to understand wobbly letters? otay adlay catch wreck in a motherfucker.
  8. I predate the new M line. Don't live there anymore, just love the place.
  9. I am on the tip with all your claims. Junkie panels were the absolute shit, hitting up laid trains while the driver was walking the.... ahhh shit. Now I'm just talking. But yeah mate, I know. It's true not many people knew the KD was three people, but it was still the first WC in Perth on the new metal. If I'm wrong on that I'm tripping. I'm saying that shit was next level when it was done, and was definitely some pioneering shit. Fucking oath the yards are harder now. Hart's shit could have been achieved in a back jump on all four lines if the timing was right. I don't give a fuck about your grammar mate.
  10. Not worth arguing about, I was talking about public response.
  11. Between that kudos panel and the looks on peoples faces when the KD wholecar was done, I think you'd have to go back to the OJ's for the same level of awe.
  12. bumb fuck through Perth steel. That KUDOS panel is nostalgic shit.
  13. Bump the godfather ruin though.
  14. Got a picture, I have one of the front end that I will post later:
  15. Go hard son, fuck that cunt up.
  16. Hart panels are definitely worth a bump.
  17. I agree, the letter formation is outstanding.
  18. blame and wozme - murderous. bumbbb!
  19. Don't give them the satisfaction of mentioning it. bumb daboo
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