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Everything posted by theprotester

  1. I'm sure he'd be desperately upset over getting capped at a dayspot, Seriously?
  2. I'd look awesome as a ranga. Awesome. Anyone got some photos?
  3. If this is meant to be funny, it isn't. If this is serious business.... take it to PM.
  4. Fighting over day spots is pretty hardcore.
  5. Hahaha, you cunts really have fuck all else to do, eh? HomoThug is chasing a D Rose double X L. Hook him up. What's good with the jumps on the southern? Anyone get flicks?
  6. I think that picture came preloaded on my Acorn.
  7. http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/graffiti-vandals-forced-to-clean-up-20110531-1fesp.html
  8. If you knew him you would know whether or not he is in hospital.
  9. That's right, I post stupid shit now. Stay tuned. Shit only gets better. An entire page of dayspot queenery. Good work.
  10. Haha, LAB, those were the days.
  11. Sick nuts buzza, I'm OWK crew. What you know about that? Seriously though, noone cares.
  12. For you to create an account to have a bitch and a moan is equally as sad, and foolish. Let's get some photos up!
  13. ...so you wouldn't be doing mad sick legal eagle walls? Fuck. Where did I go wrong?
  14. Our local interest rates aren't that big of a factor in the current currency situation, BLE$U to brohammed.
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