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Everything posted by theprotester

  1. I'm with you on that point, just love a challenge I guess. Giving it a crack this week.
  2. In photobucket, when you are in your gallery, underneath each image there are selections of four different style links (strings of words 'n shit like you posted) the one you are wanting to use is the bottom one, called IMG code. The one you used is an HTML code, won't work on this forum. All you need to do is copy that IMG code string, and post it here in the reply box, you don't need to add anything to it at all.
  3. you only need; http://i279.photobucket.com/albums/kk142/mitsone/graff010.jpg - that part of it inside the tag mate.
  4. On that topic though, I've discussed with my assistant brewer at length what the hardest beer would be to make (we're not including double decoction etc. etc - just using a standard brewhouse) and we are pretty sure that a full flavoured, non alcoholic beer is the biggest challenge.
  5. @Ferris: Coopers in Australia makes a non alcoholic beer, which they are quite proud of. It is called Coopers Birrell. I'm not sure how extensively it is exported, but it's the only one that I know of that's meant to taste nice. Hardest part with a non alcoholic beer is to get anything more than a soda water mouth feel, so they taste thin a lot of the time. Would like to know if you stumble across anything stand out, because if it tastes like a nice beer and is non alcoholic, it could be a real shot for my health. Cheers.
  6. I don't dislike people for making crazy gimmick beers, but I don't like drinking them. Can't we just go back to making real ale?
  7. Massive initial outlay for a hop farm though!!
  8. Bit late to still not have your Oktober out!
  9. Russian imperial... brewed in the US. What a joke.
  10. hahahah epic for sure. Wanker.
  11. I appreciate the honesty. Working on it. Stay posted for NBB's assessment of my brew.
  12. Oh it's on now! My joint is literally backflooding right now, but I'ma get at you over this. Check your PM in 24.
  13. I had Sierra Nevada Pale last night, served from bottle. S'ok? What do we really expect from beers these days though? Something that blows your mind so you don't want anything else? Ever? Or something you GO BACK FOR? Enlighten?
  15. Serious PM's are all replied. Stay humble.
  16. RIP JASON STAYS THE SAME WE'LL NEVER CHANGE Anyone needing info on the dates get at me, fucking shit that the internet is how we do this these days, but get at me if you need info. RIP JASON FUCK THE WORLD
  17. My mate just picked me up one of these; Not in the big smoke for a couple of weeks to pick it up, but thoughts? Apparently it's a limited run deal?
  18. Still never had a pumpkin brew. Working on it.
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