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Everything posted by MEzeRKer

  1. thats why you take muni......or walk........$70 is for the outa towners.....
  2. That's because y'all ate talkingabout a different situation lol no girl got hit with anything
  3. lol and you're a e-thuggin nut jocker. tell me something i dont know. nothin says im a gangster like facts.
  4. first off, what i was talking about wasnt an art show, it was a birthday party secondly the top floor of the building isnt 1 story tall fool and thirdly it was a some fucking short blonde haired hipster from socal talking hella shit to people on the street bellow that got hit in the face with a rock i was fucking there haha
  5. HAHAHAH that shit was comedy... and it was a fucking lame ass hipster dude i seen him run through the crowd bleeding
  6. bump...... bump parties where hipsters getting hit in the face by rocks from real frisco heads 3 stories bellow HAHAH had that fool leakin hahaha
  7. rad lets keep talking about nino.... or/....we can post more fuckin flicks and talk about dunking dodgers fans....fuck the dodgers SLAY LA
  8. rofl, talking to you is like talking to a brick wall, except a brick wall prolly has more sense.
  9. my dad passed these to me the other day haha shot them a while back onviously, i dont have a scanner and it was hard to flick without the glare.
  10. obviously sarcasm isnt something you can read to clearly LOL and when your out buffing, 90% of the time your sitting around waiting for nino to ham it up with who ever the fuck hes talkin to, and the other 9% of the time your buffing out toy ass shit anyways so who the fuck cares. if you piss him off then hell piss everyone off by buffing shit that deosnt need to be buffed. id much rather sit in ninos van doing nothing for 6 hours, maybe buff out some toy ass shit, to get my cs out of the way than spend hella bread/sitting in a jail cell/sweeping up needles from under the army overpass but those days are over for me anyways. i was just sayin, the way you worded it was way off from the truth. and real talk fuck the buff. but Putz is the dude thats going around buffing the good shit just to piss everyone off in order to get people mad so theys tart slippin and gettin wrapped up. did you fucking see the "front page" of the examiner's sporting green today...... that shit made me want to boycott examiner.....if im out tonight imma swoop all the examiners i see and dump them in the garbage. fuck that bullshit
  11. just cause you catch shots in his van doesnt mean he know shit about you....LOL hes like a fuckin muni driver, its not like everyone jumps in the van and nino goes "alright guys, go ahead and crush the van and ill critique your hand styles" or some shit like that.
  12. onnod, once again, DPW is different than buff, they may be in the same building, but they are only deal with traffic violations, and clean up crack dens and northbeach....so all those dpw, and fools wearing reflective vests have nothing to do with buff. the night time dpw workers are snitches though, but there arent any "volunteers" doing that work. nino and putz' kiddie squad are the only buf fools. and that aint him, well the one with the asain dude is...
  13. dayum i could go for a blt.....
  14. none of that bromance shit is in sf. and there was already a romance in US. gtfo with that
  15. i just got off tour with my friends band. went to seatle and then down to tj for 10 days stopping in 8 cities i acted as their photographer and roadie. itw as pretty ridiculous
  16. fyi, none of those youtube links work
  17. dpw is out every day. especialy 3 blocks away from where you go when you have community service.....fail find these arent even the fools that buff shit, these are like late ticket payers and anger management people
  18. http://cgi.ebay.com/Original-DREAM-TDK-Graffiti-Art-Work-Twist-Barry-Mcgee-/300528652167?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item45f8e74f87
  19. after kage went over them from what i remember replace "url" with the url of the image you're posting....i figured youd be able to figure that part out...i guess not the internet.....how does it work
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