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speak gs

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Everything posted by speak gs

  1. near montreal or not, do some fucking history, and have some respect, hes iller than you are and ever will be, where you from??
  2. shadda fuck up ya fuckin fuckass someone had to tell him before its too late
  3. please dont write asek, he's from montreal and hes up all over ontario and quebec... unlesss u can keep up id suggest maybe changing your name http://visualorgasm.com/viewer.asp?type=all and some newness
  4. please dont write asek, he's from montreal and hes up all over ontario and quebec... unlesss u can keep up id suggest maybe changing your name
  5. ya sill win dis battle cuz no1 else posted nuthin i dont think no1 could log on cuz my pasword didnt work... trippy shit man but nonetheless dopeness im mistaken but edoggg still wins
  6. theres also PM's so use em homies!
  7. hotttt dammmmmmmm nukka, that yellow blue 3-d peice is hypeeeeee not to mention the rest of it... but damm nukka keep it coming
  8. yeah that was old/experimenting with new fills fuck everybody talks alot on here, jus shut up and post some sketches
  9. speak gs


    peace to my man spar
  10. well lets battle with one of ur names homie
  11. let's battle with whatever mouth writes. . .
  12. speak eazy but keep it on the DL
  13. maybe just a little bit more, maybe or maybe im a lazy fuck
  14. the sike battle's still on right? o well here it is
  15. damn, that either bomb is FRESH!
  16. Spek, DONT WRITE SPEK! not sure if you've ever heard of the famous spek, from edmonton, yeah not tryin to be a dick, but hes a fucking legend, he gets up with writers from fuckin taiwan,cant front some REAL spek http://www.visualorgasm.com/listviewer.asp?writerid=62&type=walls and for the record, back wins hands down
  17. haha that guy wanted in badly, but like you guys all from the same city or sumthin like hows that crew thing work?
  18. amkah, those full pages up there are dope older
  19. rusto runs an anti graffiti program too
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