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Everything posted by asdf_va!

  1. i bet that hollow's legs were tired after all that runnin'! in my day hollows would all month... up hill both ways before getting filled in. or whatever... stay up.
  2. ^^are you kidding...? nike and adidas and any of those fucking companies would put there ad up, all condoning graff, but i bet if you went up to the corporate office and put a nice clean throw or rolled their roof top they would sue you to the fullest, or least your fullest, if they could. even though they made a hot million on all the suckers that thought mainstream graphop was really rad! sorry for the rant. here is some flix... goodnight. stay up.
  3. and mother fucking gunner! Big UP's for the 64 west Rollie joint! I saw that spot and was all prepared to hit it... I aint saying where cause I want that flick first, but if you drive west through the city, you can't miss it.
  4. oh and this... i know i've seen it on 12oz somewhere a few years back but here it is again... (sorry for the odd cropping of this screen capture) [stolen from maps.google.com] my last post made me think of it.
  5. so... has anyone seen the new sunk outline in the old faded expert spot(bump!) on the leigh st. bridge above 95? im gonna need the sun to come out to get this flick, or huge ass zoom lens, but shit... i know the flix hasn't been posted yet, but bump! his style might be simple(its getting there), but now its 100 feet high over 95 downtown.
  6. lipshitz there is this great indian place called "Malabar" and its in this shitty strip mall across from the short pump mall. they have this amazing "paneer masala" and I dont feel like going out there and getting it right now, so if you could just get that and then bring it to me that would be great. I haven't planned on getting to that part of town to flick shit yet, but if I find myself over that way I'll see what I can do.
  7. Thats it. Most of carver and a couple random flix. The weekend... some southside love(if it don't rain).
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