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  1. go to indonesia they print the shit mad cheap for a big quantity
  2. i was just in japan and i took one from the airport its pretty sick a mini chisel with pilot ink in it well atleast it smells like it
  3. theeusualsuspect


    i thought he was grounded?
  4. your sig is still fucking hilarious...wheres mojo been lately?
  5. where could i get gum arabic? much apreciated if you can help
  6. i know you are being sarcastic but seriously dont front like you would do anthing if you saw him in person freepost...shaneisabitchniggerwannabepunkassfool
  7. i was obviously joking when i said that but i get this new message from mojo1 and it said "i just used germans to fill in and then just the caps they come w/ to touch it up"
  8. you must punk mad fools with your airsoft gun huh? you and our mom do drivebys with that hummer while listening to HIM? or do you just use it to pick up homeless birds so you can have them live in your birdhouses out back above your moms garden of roses and cauliflower?
  9. yo mOjO3 wut kine 0f c@ps r gud f0r th0$3 b!rdh0u$3$? my m0m bot me wun but @lL my gud c@ps dont f!t....! tr!ed p!nk dots and 0r@nge dots
  10. theeusualsuspect


    hahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahhahhahahahhahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahahaha mojo ur gaY! by the time i hit 12 i was racking big time and painting carelessly because i knew i couldve not got into much trouble at that age...hell i got caught with a bag full of markers worth about 900 dolars and i got off with a slap on the wrist and a call to my parents
  11. usoe moved to nigeria to research human evolution
  12. theeusualsuspect


    you are a fucking idiot there is a kyro/kiros DTC and he kills it so change your name again
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