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Everything posted by BillClinton

  1. 1.) its not a private site 2.) you sound ignorant, 3.) THE WHOLE FUCKING REASON FOR IT, IS FOR FEED BACK AND TO REP YOUR CITY... 4.) your right this sites for fags.peace
  2. hey sone you gonna bitch about them recycling photos?
  3. ????? it just pops into my head??? and this is going to sound GAY but if you took any art class you know about the color wheel, so i reference that to see what colors go together.....if not kiddies ask your art teacher!!
  4. BillClinton


    how do you bite yourself?
  5. better than nonsense internet beefing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.....go up a few post and read the nonsense and ask for flicks, so its better than nothing...get off the crack homie.......no homo
  6. BillClinton


    3-d can be bit, i thought it was just shading???so anyone who shades bites?
  7. true i wish i work at auto zone.........
  8. BillClinton


    well there goes all the excellence from your body....pissed away.....
  9. BillClinton


    1.) i wish writers had less ego 2.) we all started somewhere, you didnt wake up one day fresh......
  10. nmph...so fresh and so clean
  11. now thats a girl of perfection....
  12. if you want good paper for prismacolors use watercolor paper, it sucks the color right in and is easier to blend, still not easy but its better.......my 2 cents...
  13. BillClinton


    yeah as practice, get a notebook, and just blow it up with throwies until you perfect it, the worry about color shading etc....but thats just my opinoin
  14. BillClinton


    SE- do it hollow and with pen a bunch of times before you color, good idea though
  15. BillClinton


    diggin mouth of war throws (very original)...and those came throws are tight. looks like you could pop them off fast.
  16. BillClinton


    what was i talking about again........fuckin lithium...
  17. BillClinton


    try and paint it....hahaha...dont spend to much time in train yard do you?
  18. BillClinton


    not suppose to be original........and the t is usally tilted <<<<<that way a little but wtf is a throwie
  19. BillClinton


    its called a throwup, something you do fast, so you should draw it fast dumbass
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