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Everything posted by PERMAFRIED_

  1. Re: JACK THE HOUSE (ACID HOUSE) it's time to go back then.
  3. Re: JACK THE HOUSE (ACID HOUSE) by the way... jackin to acid house while wearing cassette playa and munching tons of ambien and unisom will bring you closer to baby jesus
  4. Re: JACK THE HOUSE (ACID HOUSE) best acid tracks in the universe: DREAM GIRL SPANK SPANK DO YOU WANT TO PERCOLATE? EXPLORER EXPLORER YOUR ONLY FRIEND if you can name the creators of each of these tracks, you just may be approaching my level of kewl.
  6. Re: JACK THE HOUSE (ACID HOUSE) i never considered lords of acid to be bona fide acid house peeps. they're like, the warped "frat boy trying to party hardcore" verion of acid house. no squelching or nigger stutter vocals whatsoever... booooooo.
  7. Re: JACK THE HOUSE (ACID HOUSE) welllll...considering the source (the least relevant of all mods)...i take that as a compliment. keep it coming. or go blow the klaxons, dweeeeeb
  8. so do any other dweebs on here enjoy this delectable slice of the big shitty world of electronic music as i do? for those of youse younguns lagging in the twerk department, wondering what the fuck im jabbering about ("just what IS acid house fryguy?"), i bestow upon you a blessing of knowledge: it's what happens when you give a ton of acid to a bunch of gay black niggaz from chicago, hand them a TB-303 synth and say "get to spankin'." whatever twisted nazi scientist initiated this experiment is to be thanked endlessly, since it resulted in my constantly dancing like a fool while imagining rocket ships and lazer guns. NAMEDROP: phuture maurice francois k adonis lil louis armando now go finish your homework
  9. ACID MOTHERFUCKING HOUSE LI-LI-LI-LIKE THIS that's all you need to know.
  10. i do that shit nigga. cep i dont fill lil donald with pez per se.
  11. i'm pretty sure i almost had a stroke yesterday. i still don't feel right.
  12. the other day i made a necklacke out of a donald duck pez dispenser and some yarnz. im wearing it rite now. this thread sucks.
  13. Re: who is most recluse pffffhahahahaha fashionboy morphs into pizzaface hobbit nerd? fascinating.
  14. nope, i was kinda turned off after naked lunch. perhaps i'll give him a second try.
  15. Re: who is most recluse i go through bouts of intense seclusion sometimes. right now is one of those times. i think it has something to do with the fact that as soon as i walk out my front door i'm instantly reminded of everything i hate about people in general: -lack of pride in self and property -victim mentality, sense of entitlement -complete lack of respect for, and general obnoxiousness toward others -perpetuating this mindset through reckless breeding fuck living in the ghetto. although seclusion does usually bring bouts of intense creativity, as evidenced by the jammin vampire space bunny wall hanging i recently made out of pieces or a broken toilet seat.
  16. naked lunch was shit. i mean it was mildly interesting at first, but i have no desire to read someone's detailed and fragmented account of drug psychosis and entering an alternate reality. i can come up with that crap on my own.
  17. Re: songs you grew up on when i was like 5 i used to spazz out to men without hats: "safety dance" and "antarctica" thank you mom for being weird.
  18. Re: songs you grew up on mr. biggs. holy wow. yes.
  19. Re: songs you grew up on oh yeah kicks like a mule - the bouncer it's rather sad.
  20. Re: songs you grew up on but to answer your question, butthole surfers, sonic youth, etc.
  21. Re: songs you grew up on i've listened to some shitty music in my day, but if that shit "shaped" you... dear god i don't know what to say other than "i'm so sorry"
  22. well lucky you. i'm 22 and more of a kid than i've ever been.
  23. this morbidly obese pile of humanity (cashier at circle k) kept giving me shit the other day about my shaved head. like, provoking me almost. "why you do da to ya haih?" because it's easy and it makes me sexier. "but it's coooole outsy" yeah, well... "why you did dat?" it feels good "that dont look right on white boys" i think she WANTED me to say i was a nazi.
  24. just don't read lunar park. way boring.
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