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Posts posted by downsouthjnkin

  1. truth right here. what downsouth is whining about really disgusts me. no respect for anyone til they earn it, and go help your fuckin self, fuck outta here with some graffiti classes and that bullshit, go ride the red line, or look at some magazines, or just fuckin learn by your experience. you fuckin new kids just want everything handed to you... respect, fame, skills, etc. with none of the work. there are no microwavable recipes to be a well-rounded writer, no short cuts, no cheating, YOU FUCKING WORK FOR IT. go play that douche bag marc ecko's video game, fucking shitbags. it takes years to establish a rep and it takes even more work to maintain it. fuck some fly-by, in-it-for-the-minute, no heart big headed kids that claim to be writers. I HATE YOU


    point takin....

  2. i'd rather see all the new kids pics instead of yall just talking about how you hate ATB or how you Hate all the toys. why the fuck cant you just swallow your god damn pride and help them out. I KNOW at one point in ya'lls graff careers you all probably got help from someone, they're all just looking for some one to help them out......Quit your bitchin and try help them out. or go fucking paint, you might have been a king once but where you at now? Bitchin at the kids who are out there doin it, while yall sit behind your computer screens

  3. i agree with whats being said yall. im in a city right now with no beef and its crazy how much shit we get done up here. yall would be surprised how much you can accomplish if you work together.......KNOWLEDGE IS POWER

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