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Everything posted by BREGLR0NE

  1. http://www.detroitiscrap.com/archives/category/orange-taylor jesus.
  2. hahaha this is a dope flick
  3. guess what daddy's bringin' home for supper...
  4. stolen from NYC thread.... like a champ.
  5. haha... seems like a standard champ to me, bustin the OSH white
  6. shredder flick, santa-cruz. bump LAERS, that fool's a homie.
  7. bump pesto and spud oddio you got some gnarly flicks but ya ever thought about coolin it on the raging self-promotion?
  8. haha. definitely past bedtime for these chones. what oaths, lurker? i dont even see them, sep that train tag posted above, which is sick.
  9. jesus christ i hope this keep madness is bullshit, just flicked a random AQ with homies yesterday. RIP
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