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Everything posted by Sec_ebk

  1. ^^but at least its true. id rather see that throwie than a sloppy wildstyle.
  2. im feelin everything cept the R piece has a real nice consistent flow. mad dope. peace.
  3. printers broken cant upload flicks all ive been doin is makin stickers though broke my right arm(compound fracture) so i gotta use left hand. which i suck at. so yeahhh. its sticker mania over here.
  4. Keep all the letters the same style. keep the letters mostly the same size unless you're going for a more euroish style but it doesnt look like you are the O doesnt really fit in well lose all the add ons
  5. People will probably yell at me for posting this here but w.e just want some feedback from more experienced writers. smokin' weed.
  6. smoking weed helps before school unless you get drug tested later in the day and have to sketch the entire day in the principals office. fuck resize. i know the C looks like a G in the 3rd pic and i spelled visions wrong. don't front.
  7. Sec_ebk


    exactly. every name is basicly taken there is no king or another writer near me that writes Sec so ill do what I want.
  8. Sec_ebk


    basicly every name is already taken buddy.
  9. just start with simple block letters and once you have those down pat add extensions, arrows, and other add ons. just play around with letters you like.
  10. ^without photoshop ^pen freestyle roller. feedback is enjoyable.
  11. i know someone that writes sear and lives in england, i live in Newjersey in the US and im not writin' Sear, just used the name to get the feel for other letters, just for practice.
  12. im just tryin' new letters to get the feel for some other style's i dont think any of this is gonna be permanant but anyhow crits would be helpful, thanks. SA Throwie Grimey Sear Throwies SR Throwie and another Grimey one Sea throwie, ignore the messedup R and the E SR throwie Sear throwies one done high SA throwie and Sear throwie Grimey&Odie freestyle
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