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Everything posted by rites1

  1. As some of yous know I bench pretty often when time allows me to My threads are unbiased I flick what I see. My last camera was a piece of shit so I thought I would upgrade a lil thanks to Diy or Dies comment on my last thread... Dude, start a paypal account and let's get a collection going to get you a better camera... I'd throw in $10, you got a lot of heart! this thread hurt my head, waiting for the pictures to focus, they just never did. bump that hindue throwy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I will start updating this thread a few times a week enjoy
  2. Na Fuck that it's all about (La sirenita) on Alberta St
  3. All Caught within in the last few months some might have already been posted,some blurred but it is what it is.Wait till I'm done I'll say when finished...
  4. hows that for a sensitivity test They look nothing alike what you trying to get at?
  5. Might Meals Shock Agro Selcy Sigh and Wase all keeping shit on point.
  6. That Reup is super fresh Mayes and Gime keeping shit real Depths killing it everytime.
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