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Everything posted by haze424

  1. before you guys say anthing about the style it is my flair of cope2 and demerock styles. only done for practice too see what could be done with the letters.
  2. best scene in canada right there. you make me proud to be a canadian
  3. haze424


    if da shoe fit wear it... hahahahaha
  4. that mtn alian stuff is it true it will coat the same area as a regular size can? more to the point is it worth the chedder
  5. caps are on da cans right. markers .... well i got de shit handstyle so i dont scribble dat much. and my mommie wont let me have a lighter :D
  6. the grape is mixed with some of that krylon blue. it give a really nice color. stuff with out tops are black and white. and the blue on the end.
  7. remio vts. he came here a few years ago and i watched him paint a bridge. i was a little kid then with no clue. but man did he ever influence me. i used to go look at that peice like evertime i was downtown. it became a weird obession with me haha. i dono although i look up to people like the wallnuts crew and cope2, even some euros like vice and fume. i still think i'de like to meet up with him one day just to say you know that piece ... well it is the reason im coverin ink and paint stains and lovin every fuckin minute of it.
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