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arc crew

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Everything posted by arc crew

  1. oink if i cant use paint then if i get one what should i fill it with??
  2. I was on ArtPrimo and i saw those marsh metal markers. What is the tip made of? i want one because they look really good and they are refillable with any ink correct?
  3. yea kaos, i was trying to make the one can gray and i sorta rushed and it got to dark... thanks for the crits... anything good?
  4. i tried to make them look like tongues
  5. Im thinking about making these into stickers. Anyone got crits or complements
  6. I Write "SELF" and i am still kinda toy? But what hits me is "S". Can anyone post up a character sheet or something that can get me going going?? thanks ARC 2007
  7. SEEN COPE2, COPE2. Al these guys are amazing artists and would be awesome to just chill and learn from
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