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  1. i dont know how many people have seen this yet, but i found it to be really weird. Im not trying to be a hater or anything, i'd call it being the devil's advocate, MSK is doing their thing and they're some of the nastiest writers around, but come on... :rolleyes: http://revok1.com/blog/2010/06/norm-mcdonalds-tokyo/ I really don’t understand the concept of complaining about this situation to the point of making remarks about a lawsuit, come on, dont be a complete hypocrite. As a writer how could you even make a statement like that? Graffiti is painting on shit thats not yours, if you’re looking for personal recognition via reserved rights on your creative property you’re clearly looking in the wrong field. I dig all the MSK heads are arguably the most established graffiti writers on the planet, and surely make their income now through related endeavors, which is great, but, lets not beat around the bush here. Graffiti is all about getting up and being seen, now he doesnt even have to do it himself because one of the most gigantic corporations on the planet is doing it for him. In my opinion, take it gracefully and stop being silly. Sure it sucks getting your graff ripped off, but the same sort of thing has happened to numerous other graffiti writers and urban artists in the past, its one of many risks you take painting illegally in the first place, so dont act like its some insane atrocity when something like this happens. two cents.
  2. Take them or leave them, they're just a bunch of randoms from the phone.
  3. new young gun crew super-post Lean.Bak & Go.To.Sleep [
  4. bump kasm, thats unreal if you can actually paint the same quality as those sketches. Milfhunter on point too. Crits welcome, havent posted in a grippp.
  5. UpSyndrome


    last few pages have been major downhill. i can dig that arok though, i dont mind the R. critiques welcome.
  6. bump that mercer post. ive got a few contributions, some of my own (2SLEEP) , im a younggun and dont paint much yet. Also some old JYK OTK MIKRO, i was given this blackbook a few years ago, and was basically my innitial influence to start painting.
  7. i dont think its biting at all. i can see some similarities in the arrows, but how many ways can you even make an arrow, theres nothing wrong with getting some flavor-inspiration from other writers, graffiti is an art built around the developing and branching off of already existing styles, i see no foul. bump Cher and Norte.
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