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Posts posted by DPMS556

  1. looks like somebody was creeping for wall spots.. I guess this mean the spot is blown.


    Caspa is killing Baltimore, and that dude was in trains yards doing panels in 99, way before dbk/ksw grabbed him up. I don't know where this whole "dbk schooled him" shit came from. Sounds like somebody is a little jealous

  2. bump the utz chip girl with gun too haha! " I havnt been able to get automatic weapons since 9/11" -utz stand owner


    cause the utz stand owner isn't looking in the right places..


    tsek, dusk newspaper article !!

  3. Cantonvilles legal wall was mess, you could spend all do doing a nice piece and the next day there would be filled-ins all over it, and not for reason of beef, but just cause it Toy. That the price you pay for painting at legal walls. Fuck a legal wall anyways unless its commissioned work

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