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Posts posted by DPMS556

  1. Very true dude, i just found a wall of yours that i hadn't seen before. You, arek, and meca, 02 i think. County though. Looks like a nice fishing spot too. The legals are just fun. That's all, no point in getting pissed if they get gone over. Basically just bullshitting, drinking, and smoking. The graffiti was just a plus.


    yeah that spot sucks to fish/ pea size bluegill. 10miles down stream/ thats another story.

  2. There plenty of undiscovered walls still Baltimore, ( i can name 6 off the top of my head within the city limits) were I would much rather "waste" paint at. knowing next week, its still going to be there. Plus that fact,legal walls always start beef, and cause people to be lazy instead of expanding. I know some of you all just discover a few wall pieces i did in 05 this year. I'm just saying, I would much rather see all that 'wasted" paint, on fresh walls.


    I just want to see what people opinion are about Acorn, Considering, they help Obama get elected, and are now being investigated for falsifying hundreds of voter registration cards.

    Not to mention the recent incident in Baltimore for allegedly offering tax evasion advice for child prostitution






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  3. That they're niggers & spics, and therefore radical, unqualified, uneducated, etc.

    Just the type of remark I would expect from a obama bot liberal :lol:



    I actually felt that the speech was very motivating for the student body. Although the administration’s suggestions for teachers seem in my opinion to be very socialist ..




  4. wow, i guess everyone has thrown caution to the wind, and all those times we would chase people outta yards or get chased ourselves, get in arguments over a tag on a silver signal box, shouting matches about leaving a cans behind in that very yard, doing one to many pieces on a line, guess it was all a failed effort.

    Guess the old adage, "don't shit where you eat" is no longer used in this city. sad. I miss the days of old.

    Oh well, guess i'm just a old bitter freight head.


    Another reason why I wont host anybody in my spots. guest bring guest, leaving cans behind, tagging trees,etc. Then people wonder why they dont dump trains in those spot anymore...


    Obese People Have 'Brain Degeneration'


    (Aug. 25) - A new study finds obese people have 8 percent less brain tissue than normal-weight individuals. Their brains look 16 years older than the brains of lean individuals, researchers said today.

    Those classified as overweight have 4 percent less brain tissue and their brains appear to have aged prematurely by 8 years.



    " you big dummy"

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