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Posts posted by dontsleep34

  1. crits=

    letter structure... esp on the A, but on the whole thing... needs work on structure



    "who thinks i am toy, cause i agree" ???

    whats with all the self-hatred on this thread

    anyone who is like "yo i am a toy, check this out" is retarded

    just do your thing fuck this internet shit




    Its good man but the a doesnt need to have a discounection like that or at least an overlappin 1 like that

  2. heres a piece i did in class


    it says future (its not my tag its just a random word. I dont have a tag and it would be cool if you could also help me find a tag to replace kaotic)




    this shiit looks like a kase 2 with downs syndrom piece

  3. just drew this, any critz on letter structure? not worried about colors rightnow.sorry about the crappy pic but i drew it on a piece of loose leaf paper at school and i drew on the back too so when i scanned it the back showed up as well. =(





    its not too bad practice straight letters for a bit then work on sheilds n bench later

  4. any writer dead or alive


    Dondi- He had such mad style and talent look at children of the grave and tell me that aint class


    Seen- Big insparation he did some knarly shit with his crew United Artists


    Ewok- Hes got fucked up characters and nutty burners

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