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Everything posted by vanfullofretards

  1. ,,,,,.....-----ROLL CALL-----......,,,,,, Just out of curiousity for the regulars in this thread... what are you numbers lookin like? Estimates on max's are acceptable For me.... Bench: 155 Squat:235 Deadlift:245 The lowest I ever go for reps in a set is 4.. so those are all pretty close estimates
  2. Mulit-vitamin, fish oil and whey protein are the only supplements I take.
  3. Make sure your form is good... ....................form over everything..................................
  4. Get this off NetFlix... it's actually pretty funny even tho it's a silent movie I doubt you'll regret it.
  5. That's pretty much all it is.. with RDL's you keep your legs a lot more straight With standard deadlifts you use more of your leg strength and RDL's use pretty much only your back.
  6. Is there a simple way to UNsecure someones internet signal? Or to boost the reception of signals already open?
  7. Hell yeah.. That feeling gets really addictive. I need to start running some more. Have you tried interval training? It's worked great for me in the past.
  8. Thatta boy.. how much weight did you use?
  9. Problem fixed! It was that simple. Jesus fucking christ. Well thanks again!! I really appreciate it.:cool:
  10. BARBELL COMPLEXES! Holy shit! Those just annihilated me at the gym today after doing deadlifts. First time doing them and ONLY with the barbell. I did 3 sets similar to this...
  11. I scanned with Vipre. I have Vipre and Norman, so maybe they're working against eachother? I actually have Vista.. not XP... oops hahah and defrag is automatically set to run once a week. I have an Athlon 7750 Dual Core processor with 4GB of RAM.. It's about 9 months old. CCleaner didn't do anything to help.. BUT!! As I restarted again.. I let it sit for about 15 minutes without logging in and it was slow when i eventually did log in.. when it should have been fast... so it's a time thing as far as when it bogs down. I don't know if that will help. It's like something HUGE is trying to open with all the other programs, because after 5-10 minutes it works just like normal. System Restore or can of air time?
  12. Just did a deep scan... turned up nothing, i'll run the CScan thing and see if that helps. And if it doesn't i'll restore it to a few days ago.. which should do the trick. I'll let you know. PEACE! And thanks again.
  13. Alright thanks, I'll clean it tonight. But dont you think that would be more of a gradual thing? I mean just out of the fucking blue yesterday it started bogging down pretty badly. **edit.. and I have to spread props around before giving you some EarToTheGround
  14. Question! Please help! My computer has all of a sudden been taking an obscene amount of time to startup (10+ minutes.) Like it takes a long time to load when I log onto my user account, and it just started happening yesterday. I've cleared the C: drive of unwanted files, didn't help. But! When it's taking forever and I reboot then log in it goes normal, but lets say i log off right now and log back on it will take a long time. Someone please help! Thank you. I have windows XP and am horrible with computers.
  15. this. You guys eat anything right before workouts? Usually I dont eat anything for 2 hours before a workout, but today i had some fresh strawberries right before i left, and i had noticeably more energy for my first couple exercises. And whats with the power lifters sticking wooden blocks under their bench press?
  16. Weird question..... can you.. shit out calories? Like do any unused calories go into the toilet? or is it all absorbed into the body? Cuz how do some people eat like shit all day long and still stay slim?
  17. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD Nope, not a bit. It looks like it though.
  18. I love heavy metal but really though, the article said some brands had amounts barely over standards, but even then they're trace amounts
  19. Whats wrong with protein shakes?! I love them! And there's no way I could eat enough meat to cancel out protein shakes.
  20. Weak Nigguh... with no caps?.... and not being weak??? What.
  21. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD Yo what kind of cat is that on the Roomba? It's BEAUTIFUL!
  22. Good question! If you don't have any equipment you're really limited in what you can do, but you're going about it in the right way. I did basic exercises here and there for a couple months before I decided I was serious about paying for a gym and I'm really glad I did that. Do you have any weights laying around? If not all you can really do are push-ups, sit ups, crunches.. maybe pull-ups. And of course running. That's all i got
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