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Posts posted by Yeah666



    Not a huge fan of their recent full length, the blue one. Red was alright, Blue sucks.


    The first two EPs are the best, and are still great listens.










    Have to check these out, I recently got into them through there Blue album (which I liked a lot).

  2. Man, I tried a lot of drugs last year, mainly out of curiosity. Had an equal amount of good and bad experiences, but for this year I'll just stick with weed. Since smoking weed daily actually helps me out physically and mentally. Plus I've seen how harder drugs have screwed up some of my friends.


    I'll still take psychedelics every once in a while, helped expand my mind haha.


    Alcohol is whatever to me, I'll drink it, but not to get drunk.

  3. Re: Shit you Hate Appreciation thread..........................


    Single moms who play the 'independent woman' card. No. If you have to vocalize it to reassure yourself and assure me that you in fact are, then you aren't. More than likely you have for some time been an empty and lonely whore bag if I don't already know this for a fact.


    Then they want child support on top of that:lol:

  4. Friend from Oregon came to visit in the mourning, smoked a bowl and bong with her. Chilled with her for a while, then we drove up to my homies house at 9 pm to start off the new years eve party.Went well, nice amount of drinks, drugs, and some ODB playing in the background. There was only about 10 people there. Then we got hooked up with the biggest bag of chron I've ever seen, I'll see if anyone took a pic of it.


    After midnight was a blur, I just remember taking a lot of shots, probably did a line on top of that. Strangely, woke up in my Oregon friends bed, semi naked.


    Damn, been getting recap texts for 2 hours now, a few flicks as well...

  5. The only thing that made me not like him was when he capped that som ofa piece that was rolling on that factory roof years after his death.


    That's just wack to me...

  6. Did this drawing when I was sick with the flu a couple days after his death. I plan on doing a larger more well planned one later in the week since this one was done out of pure emotion.


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