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she's crafty

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Posts posted by she's crafty

  1. not taking anything away from those 2 crews, of coarse they bombed, i remeber rt80 back when, Fh is a freight crew hence the name freight hooligans, ask a kid

    from oregon, montana or texas who is into the freight scene and they will know of them or at least heard of dudes in the crew

    (savior,vism, pepe, suga, byas etc) fh murdered freights and highways for many years and you can never take that away, they crushed hard for most of the 2000 decade,

    just cause they dont do productions dont make em wack, There preference was to paint as many freights and highway spots to make themselves known and they did that

    during there heyday, never dissed or hated on qm8/pfe i was giving props to alll 3 of them crews for being from jersey and doing there own particular thing.

  2. fh is/was more of a highway and freight crew hence there more readable styles, qm8 and pfe more of a piecing crew with styles more wilder and technical, totally different and cant compare them to each other. Some people come on here to see highway damage, bombing or freights and some come on here for dope pieces and productions, 2 totally different types of crews/graff, but still dope there all from jerz.

  3. untitled3.jpg


    wow, what city is this?... looks like these guys are trying to ignite a city with no graffiti, shits dope. where i come from a trackside wall like this would be annialated.

  4. Im still in shock by the magnitude of it all nationwide. Is obama, pelosi, and reid hated that much? or is it more of a hatred toward their policies or lack of? I cant even say they were out of touch with middle america because for the most part it was in every corner of the country. The media knew it was coming and tried to portray the tea party as racist, but people knew it wasnt true, and when the tea party voted into office a ridiculous amount of more minorities then the democrats it just proved how much the media tried to sway this election.

  5. replublicans and censorship? Wasnt it tipper gore and the pmrc that tried to censor heavy metal and rap albums? Last i checked tipper and al gore were democrats. You might also want to check all the crazy shit obama has been trying to censor over the last 2 years.

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