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Posts posted by kindafresh

  1. Wow. This thread really has gotten heated.


    First off, I made my way through the Rainy city and have seen the "West Coast" 3A up.

    They do the damn thing. Regardless of how it looks, it's there. So, you can't deny that.

    I see alot of people knocking the "East Coast" 3A because of bright colors/ chill spots/and legal walls.


    You'll always here me say there are 2 types of writers.


    -Ones that make cheese off of graf

    -And ones that dont.


    You really can't knock hustle.


    As for being tough, I'm sure both crew have pummelers.

    But there was a time at a party when a guy from 3A got stomped to sleep by 2 brothers and none of his homies even jumped in.



    At any rate, both crews will keep rocking it.

    Stay up.

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