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Posts posted by kindafresh

  1. This might be a dumb question but...


    Does anyone know where I can find a flick of that Transformers prodo Devi and those foo's did back in the day??? I've looked on here, but a ton of the bucket links are broken.

  2. that adek/saber tag was from when he was at artprimo teaching most of you kids how to do flares correctly





    Wait, people actually teach stuff like that?


    Also, I didn't know there was a correct way to do flares.




    If you're learning how to "do flares" you should be ashamed of yourself.

    Trial and error are the best teachers ever.



    And now...back to the flicks.

  3. why would i dry snitch and bump dudes shit at the same time?. now i know booyah and read more are different people, and herman and read more are different people too. they are all dope and they all have very similar styles. i assumed they were the same people and tried to say something clever.


    bump them all


    but read more and booker are the same dude and im pretty sure he doesnt give a fuck if anyone knows it.


    I'm curious, what do you hope to gain by saying who writes does this or that? From what your posting it's obvious that you're young and have no real knowledge of how something like "evidence" could work.


    So let me break something down for you grasshopper.



    1.It's cool to give props.

    2.It's not cool to name drop (unless you're crew, and even then it's only acceptable not cool).

    3.Regardless of who cares about what, common knowledge should tell you The Jackson 5 oh watch this shithole on the regular. And people like you help them, if you're intentionally doing it or not doesn't really matter.

    4.Next time you "try to be clever" ask me for permission first.





    That is all.

  4. bump yousuk! and booyah aka read more aka booker aka herman



    That's a failed attempt at Dry-Snitching. Fucking idiot.


    Those are all different people.


    Do us all a favor, and next time you think about using AKA's on here. Punch yourself and see if the inclination is still there, if so proceed to eat broken glass and repeat steps 1 and 2.

  5. this thred suks...





    Everyone talks a big game on here. I've been to the capital city, and it's graf scene needs help. A bunch of Premadonna's that can't hit anything but the their keyboards. :lol:

  6. some of this shit's tight, alot of it's not.


    but bump anyway.


    and doing uni fills on 14 yr old broads is the lick!!!


    we all know we did it, the thing is; @ 25 they want tattoos and not paint marker.

  7. damn son, them photobucket bandwidth exceeded railboxes are the shiiiit.


    what'll they think up next.




    A joint venture between Union Pacific and Youtube, these "plasma cars" will feature authentic commercial announcements from companies leasing that particular train.




    "Get your bananas from Safeway..."

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