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Posts posted by DA_BEARS

  1. The blatant hypocrisy makes my stomach turn. It seems like the media and the average Joe Blow's stance on this situation is that they are fine with a rotting abandoned factory as long as it’s colored shit brown and filled with asbestos. Anyone that's been in that factory or Brachs knows what goes on in there and graffiti is BY FAR the lesser of two evils...remember that next time some tries to pull the "Graffiti is a crime and affects the quality of life" card...Why aren't these fuck heads asking why Papa Daley hasn’t called for the demolition of this space? But yo, let some pretty little white girl from UIC get dragged in there and raped. Watch the type of reaction that would get. (I'm not wishing ill will or harm on anyone else. Just trying to make a point)


    Remember, these are the same assholes that will ask you to paint something for them or their business...They'll appreciate the medium and the skill that it demands but only if it’s been taking out of its natural element. (*Insert caged tiger at the zoo cliché here) A huge McDonalds decal on the side of the train pushing unhealthy food is OK but young Afroe pushing food for thought on a fly ass panel was a no-no?


    Its all conditioning...Drones are brainwashed by the media and encouraged to get fat, grow old, and hand over the loot. The days of the group protest are long gone...Ironically the spirit of the radical flower child has been pushing up daisies for decades now. Just try to kick up some dust nowadays and see what happens...You better believe someone’s going to knock on your door or worse. That’s why you make them (Police, Elected officials, Joe six pack) sweat...You are a one man protest every time you go out and do the damn thang. Sometimes, you gather with like minded individuals, call yourselves something clever, and a crew is born. One would think that a subculture with similar interests and enemies would stand united…but we continue to follow Chicago tradition as we stand fragmented on our respective ends of the city.


    I leave you with this thought…Think back to all that’s been said about everyone that we have lost over the passed couple of years. So and so was: an inspiration, an amazing artist, a really cool guy to chill with, a genuine person, down for his shit, a loving father/husband/son…Isn’t it obvious that we are all talking about the same kind of person? Why do we wait to get to know about/throw up/get together and celebrate our brothers after they’re gone? I’m sure each and every one of them would’ve loved to have felt a portion of that from the city/peers/culture that they repped and gave their life for while they were still alive.


    "When spider webs unite, they can tie up a lion" - Ethiopian Proverb


    Sorry for the long ass rant…I’ll buy you a beer or smoke you out to make up for it.

    Holler at your dag.

    • Like 1
  2. Yeah, fuck joe blows and john does! The general public will never understand the true mentality of a Chicago Writer! It is one of the free-est feelings to be able to express yourself where you see fit! When they ass get cancer they feel sorry and want sympathy! That's how it is, the saddest thing is you all reading this do have a direct hand in the safety and life of your friends. Getting fucked up and smoking bud all day is cool, but we should be getting eachother on the right track! Working on licks together and striving to be the best! I feel like I let him slip away! He died doing what he loves and that is dedication! On the real, it could have been prevented! His death and Kiser's death have changed me in revolutionary ways. Peace God!


    ^ BUMP THIS!

  3. Bump that Kells


    Please stop with the stupid ass internet thuggery...I don't think anyone is either scared or impressed. You guys sound like a bunch of kids with down syndrome. The world dosent end at the end of your block...Go find out for yourselves.

  4. roof.jpg


    Fausto "AFROE42" Manzera's 22nd Birthday Bash


    Friday, February 26, 2010 at 8:30pm



    960 W. 18th st

    Chicago, IL 60608


    Come celebrate the life of the LEGEND...the KING...the TRULY MISSED...Fausto "AFROE42" Manzera.


    Celebration will take place in the backroom at Simone's.


    Hope to see everyone there toasting it up to the sky...to our angel 42 himself!!!




    My condolences to the friends and families of those that are no longer with us...Unfortunately there have been way too many over the passed couple of years. Hope to see some heads at the bar Friday....Paz

  5. Hmmm...Wonder what all the hub bub is over by the Red on Wilson and Broadway?? They're getting it all nice and pretty for what looks like another Daley photo op tomorrow. Would be such a shame if someone tracked some muddy footprints over there...just sayin'

  6. I had some zaca tacos from 59th n pulaski last night...they was so fuckin good...


    It was like they had god himself in that bitch cookin my tacos realtalk....weed was involved too


    I usually get the nachos from that joint...they stack that shit with chicken or steak, cheese, guac, sour cream, jalapeños, beans...C L U T C H

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