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Posts posted by T_R_O_N

  1. might not be threadworthy, but i feel like this kid needs to be heard.


    you know how retards comment on youtube about how they want u to check out there channel and listen to there music? well i was jamin out to some beats, and decided what the hell why not, so i clicked on it, and was very content with what i was hearing. this kid is 19 and isnt famous at all. i really hope he goes big. check em out.



    you know thats your mixtape....

  2. Just leave me in the room while she walks in...

    she'll never expect a random person she doesn't know to be sitting there, with 30.00$ in hand wearing nothing but timbo boots and a black hoody sans balaclava.:lol:


    funnel in hand just in case


    real talk though my brother from another mother, use thirty dollars to get some shit to cook like the based god and maybe a movie from the red box...and two snicker bars. bitches love when you spend your last dollar on them trying to impress a ho. after she's all mystified and mesmerized by your good guy swag...make her sit on a can of rusto. yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaghhhhhhhhhhhh.

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  3. Thanks a lot for all the feedback everyone. I talked to my adviser on how he misled me on what i should be doing this semester and the department is going to let me submit my portfolio. Usually, the art departments don't take midyear applicants so I'm lucking out for sure.


    ABC: you know, my room mate and his homie have been coming by every weekend concocting different drinks and brainstorming on ideas for new drinks, and we got to the topic of actually working on a microbrew. I wouldnt mind learning to do that; ever since i tried some home brewed licorice infused whiskey, i've been hooked on any custom alcoholic beverage. I know those beer kits are pretty cheap, so I might have to look into that.


    You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to BOATS N HOES again.

  4. Damn dude. You're so close to that art degree though. Pick up something at a CC for a minor/change of pace. Anything.


    I wouldn't feel this way if it wasn't for the fact that i may have to wait an entire semester to even begin my major ( painting and printmaking)


    it goes like this:


    1 year art foundation

    then apply to major

    I fucked up, due to some gpa shit so now im taking gen ed art courses that would have been taken with my major so when i can apply again i wont be behind when i do get in. all in all this shit is boiling down to time and money.


    Edit: Boats n Hoes

    its crazy, but weed school is looking cheaper

  5. What's good ch.0?


    Lately I've been having doubts on pursuing this art degree at X college; I'm beginning to feel that everything I'm learning here I can teach myself. I no longer see the point in attending school, I have one life to live and lately school has only made me more depressed than ever.


    In place of art school, I've been considering saving up money for some semesters at http://www.oaksterdamuniversity.com/. I love art, for sure, and i love marijuana, arguably more. It just seems to me that going to oaksterdam to gain the knowledge to get involved in the MMJ industry would benefit me worlds more than say an art degree from X prestigious public art school. I know asking 12 0z for advice is probably the last thing I should be doing and should reference a school adviser, which I'm doing tomorrow, but I would love some feedback from those who may have followed a similar path and are doing well for themselves.


    I'm getting sick of going to classes where all i do is paint with no techniques being taught, and the ones that are, I could simply check out a book from the library and read up on. I feel as if college is becoming an increasingly annoying burden upon my mental health (this shit is literally driving me insane) and my family, I honestly don't want to cost them anymore money than i already have...this shit is insanely expensive.


    many thanks in advance for advice, feedback, lolz nigga you went to art school jokes, boogie hands, and anything else that lies between.

  6. kind of funny how you were the poster boy of said daycare for some years and now you're talking sideways out your mouth. have some mother fucking respect. out of all the people talking crazy, i wouldn't expect you out of all people to say some shit like that. funny how yall forgot when you all were getting it in with the kid jake who was kicking yall cans for the cause. some bap ass motherfuckers the lot of you all. this post has many a grammatical error, i know, so shut it grammar nazis.

  7. seeing as how the human eye can only see a few frequencies and there are many more frequencies besides the ones visible to the human eye...i'm not going to discredit anything.


    remember, energy is neither created nor destroyed, it only changes form.



    we are made up of a lot of energy






    just sayin...








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  8. what if.. jesus was just some guy in the far future who went back in time mind fucked a bunch of people and made up some stuff of how he was some gods son.


    and now where just living in a dimension of reality based off of that. and consequently all time travel in the future was made illegal becayse of that guy


    I always had the idea in my head that some time in the past, someone came along who clearly had more intellect than most people at that time and invented the concept of god and inadvertently religion to manipulate the masses.

  9. Everyone rocking em now a days. The ones I like are the ones I wore in Jr High they say the team city in plain lettering then below the team name real big in script. I bought one 2 or so years ago now everyones on it.


    You see the video CHRIS BROWN claims to have brought back snapbacks. HAHA FUCK OUTTA HERE CHRIS you were in your dads nutsack when I was rocking mine.







    i guess that lame chris forgot about pac div and the cool kids.... derp derp

  10. After experimenting with and meditating whilst under the influence of LSD, and on one occasion DMT, I have come to one conclusion and one alone....






    Life is life, you must live it, and to the best of your abilities, enjoy it.


    Cherish your friends and treat everything as a learning experience.

    • Like 2
  11. Goddamn that place is pricey. I get all mu retro jems from a thrift store next to ma pad and been coppin snapbacks for the last two years from a little shop for 5 bucks.


    hypebeasts have virtually ruined a pastime of mine; going to various mom and pop shops hunting down gear for the low. Now mr kahn is hip and says "OHHHHH you want duke snapback eh?! this werry popular now... 30.00."


    And lol at newfags saying "yo dude how come your hat doesn't say TISA man?"


    "Because I'm not an idiot who overpays for a product that has some new stitching on it"


    fuuuuuck why couldn't rappers stick to fitteds?


    i still got the spot for the blank adjustables and the 5 panels, only 5 a pop. Lol at kids shelling out loot for that super exclusive camo supreme 5 panel.

  12. eh, dude's ballin and living a comfortable lifestyle... and don't forget, a lot of the great painters way back when had apprentices working on their pieces, not really that different. One may get to the point when they need a guild to put up work, for instance what if you're too busy to do an instillation because you are in another country? get you guild to put up your work for you while you're handling biz elsewhere.

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